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Load image from a filepath via BufferedImage

I have a problem with Java application, particular in loading a image from a location in my computer.

Following this post I used a BufferedImage and a InputFileStream to load an image on my computer. First, I put the image (pic2.jpg) into the source code and that is working. However, if I put the image to another place (let's say C:\\ImageTest\pic2.jpg), Java IDE show me an IllegalArgumentException

return ImageIO.read(in);

here is the code:

public class MiddlePanel extends JPanel {
    private BufferedImage img;

    public MiddlePanel(int width) {    
        //img = getImage("pic2.jpg");       
        img = getImage("C:\\ImageTest\\pic2.jpg");

        this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(800,460));


    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        // ...

    private BufferedImage getImage(String filename) {
        // This time, you can use an InputStream to load
        try {
            // Grab the InputStream for the image.                    
            InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);

            // Then read it.
            return ImageIO.read(in);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("The image was not loaded.");

        return null;
like image 622
Lup Avatar asked Oct 18 '13 10:10


People also ask

What is the difference between BufferedImage and image?

List, the difference between Image and BufferedImage is the same as the difference between List and LinkedList. Image is a generic concept and BufferedImage is the concrete implementation of the generic concept; kind of like BMW is a make of a Car. Show activity on this post. Image is an abstract class.

Can ImageIO read PNG?

imageio package. Image I/O has built-in support for GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, and WBMP. Image I/O is also extensible so that developers or administrators can "plug-in" support for additional formats.

Which method is used for load the image?

Answer: getImage(URL object, filename) is used for this purpose.

1 Answers

To read an .jpg file from non-relative path you could use this:

BufferedImage img = null;

    img = ImageIO.read(new File("C:/ImageTest/pic2.jpg")); // eventually C:\\ImageTest\\pic2.jpg
catch (IOException e) 

I do not have any Java environment at the moment, so hope it works and is written correctly.

like image 91
Tafari Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10
