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How set maximum date in datepicker dialog in android?

Use setMaxDate().

For example, replace return new DatePickerDialog(this, pDateSetListener, pYear, pMonth, pDay) statement with something like this:

    DatePickerDialog dialog = new DatePickerDialog(this, pDateSetListener, pYear, pMonth, pDay);
    dialog.getDatePicker().setMaxDate(new Date().getTime());
    return dialog;

Get today's date (& time) and apply them as maximum date.

Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.set(2017, 0, 1);//Year,Mounth -1,Day

ALSO WE MAY DO THIS (check this Stackoverflow answer for System.currentTimeMillis() vs Calendar method)

long now = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000;
dp_time.setMaxDate(now+(1000*60*60*24*7)); //After 7 Days from Now

You can try replacing this line:

return new DatePickerDialog(this, pDateSetListener, pYear, pMonth, pDay);

By those:

DatePickerDialog dpDialog = new DatePickerDialog(this, pDateSetListener, pYear, pMonth, pDay);
DatePicker datePicker = dpDialog.getDatePicker();

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();//get the current day
datePicker.setMaxDate(calendar.getTimeInMillis());//set the current day as the max date
return dpDialog;

Try This

I have tried too many solutions but neither them was working,After wasting my half day finally i made a solution.

This code simply show you a DatePickerDialog with Minimum and Maximum date,month and year,whatever you want just modify it.

final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
                DatePickerDialog dialog = new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(), new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {
                    public void onDateSet(DatePicker arg0, int year, int month, int day_of_month) {
                        calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
                        calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, (month+1));
                        calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day_of_month);
                        String myFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy";
                        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(myFormat, Locale.getDefault());
                },calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR),calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
                dialog.getDatePicker().setMinDate(calendar.getTimeInMillis());// TODO: used to hide previous date,month and year
                calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, 0);
                dialog.getDatePicker().setMaxDate(calendar.getTimeInMillis());// TODO: used to hide future date,month and year

Output:- Disable previous and future calendar

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