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How plot the Riemann zeta zero spectrum with the Fourier transform in Mathematica?

In the paper "The Riemann Hypothesis" by J. Brian Conrey in figure 6 there is a plot of the Fourier transform of the error term in the prime number theorem. See the plot to the left in the image below:

Plots from Conrey's paper on the Riemann hypothesis

In a blog post called Primes out of Thin Air written by Chris King there is a Matlab program that plots the spectrum. See the plot to the right at the beginning of the post. A translation into Mathematica is possible:


 scale = 10^6;
 start = 1;
 fin = 50;
 its = 490;
 xres = 600;
 y = N[Accumulate[Table[MangoldtLambda[i], {i, 1, scale}]], 10];
 x = scale;
 a = 1;
 myspan = 800;
 xres = 4000;
 xx = N[Range[a, myspan, (myspan - a)/(xres - 1)]];
 stpval = 10^4;
 F = Range[1, xres]*0;

For[t = 1, t <= xres, t++,
 For[yy=0, yy<=Log[x], yy+=1/stpval,
 F[[t]] =
 F[[t]] +
 Sin[t*myspan/xres*yy]*(y[[Floor[Exp[yy]]]] - Exp[yy])/Exp[yy/2];
 F = F/Log[x];

However, this is as I understand it the matrix formulation of the Fourier sine transform and it is therefore very costly to compute. I do NOT recommend running it because it already crashed my computer once.

Is there a way in Mathematica utilising the Fast Fourier Transform, to plot the spectrum with spikes at x-values equal to imaginary part of Riemann zeta zeros?

I have tried the commands FourierDST and Fourier without success. The problem seems to be that the variable yy in the code is included in both Sin[t*myspan/xres*yy] and (y[[Floor[Exp[yy]]]] - Exp[yy])/Exp[yy/2].

EDIT: 20.1.2012, I changed the line:

For[yy = 0, yy <= Log[x], 1/stpval++,

into the following:

For[yy = 0, yy/stpval <= Log[x], yy++,

EDIT: 22.1.2012, From Heike's comment, changed:

For[yy = 0, yy/stpval <= Log[x], yy++,


For[yy=0, yy<=Log[x], yy+=1/stpval,

like image 266
Mats Granvik Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 22:01

Mats Granvik

People also ask

How do you find the zeros of Riemann zeta?

You can find where the zeros of the Riemann zeta function are on the critical line Re(s)=1/2 by using the Riemann-Siegel formula. You can perform a good approximation of this formula on a calculator.

What are the zeros of the Riemann zeta function?

The Riemann zeta function ζ(s) is a function whose argument s may be any complex number other than 1, and whose values are also complex. It has zeros at the negative even integers; that is, ζ(s) = 0 when s is one of −2, −4, −6, .... These are called its trivial zeros.

How is Zeta calculated?

\zeta(s) =\sum_{n=1}^\infty \dfrac{1}{n^s}. ζ(s)=n=1∑∞​ns1​. It is then defined by analytical continuation to a meromorphic function on the whole C \mathbb{C} C by a functional equation.

Is the Riemann zeta function analytic?

The Riemann zeta function plays a pivotal role in analytic number theory, and has applications in physics, probability theory, and applied statistics.

1 Answers

What about this? I've rewritten the sine transform slightly using the identity Exp[a Log[x]]==x^a

scale = 1000000;
f = ConstantArray[0, scale];
f[[1]] = N@MangoldtLambda[1];
Monitor[Do[f[[i]] = N@MangoldtLambda[i] + f[[i - 1]], {i, 2, scale}], i]

xres = .002;
xlist = Exp[Range[0, Log[scale], xres]];
tmax = 60;
tres = .015;
Monitor[errList = Table[(xlist^(-1/2 + I t).(f[[Floor[xlist]]] - xlist)), 
  {t, Range[0, 60, tres]}];, t]

ListLinePlot[Im[errList]/Length[xlist], DataRange -> {0, 60}, 
  PlotRange -> {-.09, .02}, Frame -> True, Axes -> False]

which produces

Mathematica graphics

like image 78
Heike Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10
