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Self-restarting MathKernel - is it possible in Mathematica?

This question comes from the recent question "Correct way to cap Mathematica memory use?"

I wonder, is it possible to programmatically restart MathKernel keeping the current FrontEnd process connected to new MathKernel process and evaluating some code in new MathKernel session? I mean a "transparent" restart which allows a user to continue working with the FrontEnd while having new fresh MathKernel process with some code from the previous kernel evaluated/evaluating in it?

The motivation for the question is to have a way to automatize restarting of MathKernel when it takes too much memory without breaking the computation. In other words, the computation should be automatically continued in new MathKernel process without interaction with the user (but keeping the ability for user to interact with the Mathematica as it was originally). The details on what code should be evaluated in new kernel are of course specific for each computational task. I am looking for a general solution how to automatically continue the computation.

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Alexey Popkov Avatar asked Oct 23 '11 06:10

Alexey Popkov

2 Answers

Perhaps the parallel computation machinery could be used for this? Here is a crude set-up that illustrates the idea:


doSomeWork[input_] := {$KernelID, Length[input], RandomReal[]}

getTheJobDone[] :=
  Module[{subkernel, initsub, resultSoFar = {}}
  , initsub[] :=
      ( subkernel = LaunchKernels[LocalMachine[1]]
      ; DistributeDefinitions["Global`"]
  ; initsub[]
  ; While[Length[resultSoFar] < 1000
    , DistributeDefinitions[resultSoFar]
    ; Quiet[ParallelEvaluate[doSomeWork[resultSoFar], subkernel]] /.
        { $Failed :> (Print@"Ouch!"; initsub[])
        , r_ :> AppendTo[resultSoFar, r]
  ; CloseKernels[subkernel]
  ; resultSoFar

This is an over-elaborate setup to generate a list of 1,000 triples of numbers. getTheJobDone runs a loop that continues until the result list contains the desired number of elements. Each iteration of the loop is evaluated in a subkernel. If the subkernel evaluation fails, the subkernel is relaunched. Otherwise, its return value is added to the result list.

To try this out, evaluate:


To demonstrate the recovery mechanism, open the Parallel Kernel Status window and kill the subkernel from time-to-time. getTheJobDone will feel the pain and print Ouch! whenever the subkernel dies. However, the overall job continues and the final result is returned.

The error-handling here is very crude and would likely need to be bolstered in a real application. Also, I have not investigated whether really serious error conditions in the subkernels (like running out of memory) would have an adverse effect on the main kernel. If so, then perhaps subkernels could kill themselves if MemoryInUse[] exceeded a predetermined threshold.

Update - Isolating the Main Kernel From Subkernel Crashes

While playing around with this framework, I discovered that any use of shared variables between the main kernel and subkernel rendered Mathematica unstable should the subkernel crash. This includes the use of DistributeDefinitions[resultSoFar] as shown above, and also explicit shared variables using SetSharedVariable.

To work around this problem, I transmitted the resultSoFar through a file. This eliminated the synchronization between the two kernels with the net result that the main kernel remained blissfully unaware of a subkernel crash. It also had the nice side-effect of retaining the intermediate results in the event of a main kernel crash as well. Of course, it also makes the subkernel calls quite a bit slower. But that might not be a problem if each call to the subkernel performs a significant amount of work.

Here are the revised definitions:


doSomeWork[] := {$KernelID, Length[Get[$resultFile]], RandomReal[]}

$resultFile = "/some/place/results.dat";

getTheJobDone[] :=
  Module[{subkernel, initsub, resultSoFar = {}}
  , initsub[] :=
      ( subkernel = LaunchKernels[LocalMachine[1]]
      ; DistributeDefinitions["Global`"]
  ; initsub[]
  ; While[Length[resultSoFar] < 1000
    , Put[resultSoFar, $resultFile]
    ; Quiet[ParallelEvaluate[doSomeWork[], subkernel]] /.
        { $Failed :> (Print@"Ouch!"; CloseKernels[subkernel]; initsub[])
        , r_ :> AppendTo[resultSoFar, r]
  ; CloseKernels[subkernel]
  ; resultSoFar
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WReach Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 21:12


From a comment by Arnoud Buzing yesterday, on Stack Exchange Mathematica chat, quoting entirely:

In a notebook, if you have multiple cells you can put Quit in a cell by itself and set this option:

SetOptions[$FrontEnd, "ClearEvaluationQueueOnKernelQuit" -> False]

Then if you have a cell above it and below it and select all three and evaluate, the kernel will Quit but the frontend evaluation queue will continue (and restart the kernel for the last cell).

-- Arnoud Buzing

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Chris Degnen Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 21:12

Chris Degnen