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How many times the finalizer method is called and zombies (PEP 442)

I arose a doubt about the finalizer method __del__.
The __del__ method is called just before the object is cleaned up, but this method can even resurrect the object. Now I have noticed that in Python 2.7 the finalizer is called everytime the object's reference counter drops zero (even if the object was already resurrected), insted in Python3.4 it is called just once for all the entire life of the object, so if it is resurrected and then it counter drops to zero the finalizer method is not called anymore.

From the PEP 442 I read that in python 3.4 this choise was due to prevent resurrecting zombies:

However, if the object was already finalized, then the finalizer isn't called. This prevents us from finalizing zombies

My doubt is that I can't figure out how this solution can prevent us from finalizing zombies, can you make me some concrete examples? In addition the object can be resurrected only once.

like image 907
zer0uno Avatar asked Jul 14 '14 11:07


1 Answers

Suppose we have the following class:

class RefCycle:
    def __init__(self):
        self.refcycle = self
    def __del__(self):

and we create and collect a cyclic isolate:

import gc

When the garbage collector detects the cyclic isolate, it calls the RefCycle instance's finalizer. Then, it starts to break references. When it clears the self.refcycle attribute, the object's refcount drops to 0.

This is where it's important that finalized objects are not refinalized. If that "already finalized" flag weren't there, the object would be refinalized as a consequence of the refcount going to 0. Since the garbage collector has already messed with the object's attributes, this would be a very bad thing. The "already finalized" flag protects us from this scenario.

like image 93
user2357112 supports Monica Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

user2357112 supports Monica