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How make the form password data hidden in Chrome developer tools network pannel when login.do submit?


When the normal log-in in simple html form submitting, Chrome Developer Tools "Network" panel showing form data like this

enter image description here

But at the major sites like Facebook, Google... They don't show form data in network panel like this

enter image description here

How can do that? Is there any example or tutorials?

like image 769
sayingu Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 20:01


People also ask

How do I hide response data in Network tab?

You could base64 encode data that is being sent to and from so it is less readable to anyone who should see the network tab.

How do I show form data in Chrome?

Once you select the HTTP request, Chrome will reveal more information on that request. Under the 'Headers' tab, you will be able to find the 'Form Data' section that contains the data that was submitted as part of that request.

1 Answers

We cannot hide from the developer network tab or the form data shown and no one else can see once the network tab clears after a new page is loaded. Once SSL is enabled, That is when the domain is HTTPS the data transferred will be encrypted based on the SSL certificate that could be decrypted at the server end.

Normally, HTTPS protocol is built on TLS/SSL to encrypt the data that is transmitted over the network and to ensure that user is being sent towards the desired site.

If you need you can check the following websites. The username and the password will be shown in the network tab.

  • https://www.facebook.com
  • https://twitter.com/login
  • https://www.linkedin.com

Hence, I hope there is no need of doing this. Anyway if you are looking for an encryption at the client end, then use public key at the client to encrypt and use a private key at the server end as well.

like image 160
Anishnirmal Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
