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How is it possible to access memory of other processes?

I thought that one process cannot read the memory of other processes. But I'm shocked to see an application named "WinHex" which has "RAM Editor" and it is able to access the entire memory. Of all the processes.

How is that possible? And it is even able to modify the memory of other processes. Doesn't this become malicious?

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Alice Avatar asked Jan 01 '10 21:01


People also ask

Can processes access memory of other processes?

Processes cannot access other processes' memory in principle. In practice the underlying operating system usually offers this mechanism to privileged processes.

How can the OS prevent a process from accessing memory of another process?

Short answer: On x86 processors they do it by activating Protected Mode(32-bit) or Long Mode(64-bit). ARM or other processors implement similar concepts. The Protected Mode protects the memory space of different Processes from each other - giving each process its own memory space. This concept is called Virtual Memory.

Can a program access another program's memory?

You can't access another processes' memory like that (Ok, unless you're programming AmigaOS). The OS will prevent programs from accessing each other's memory. This won't work. If you want to access memory between programs, you need something like shared memory.

How do you read and write other process memory?

To read memory, you need the PROCESS_VM_READ and PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION rights. To write memory, you need the PROCESS_VM_WRITE and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION rights. Alternatively you could just ask for all rights with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS , but I prefer to be precise.

2 Answers

In all likelyhood, the tool uses ReadProcessMemory or some variant, which requires PROCESS_VM_READ access.

With respect to your "malicious" comment, remember that you (or the process invoking this API, which likely needs Administrator-level permissions) already has total control over the machine. The security game is already lost at this point.

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Michael Petrotta Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Michael Petrotta

Well, that's one of the things a process with the right privileges, granted by the operating system, can do. Processes cannot access other processes' memory in principle. In practice the underlying operating system usually offers this mechanism to privileged processes.

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pau.estalella Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
