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How to store passwords in Winforms application?

I have some code like this in a winforms app I was writing to query a user's mail box Storage Quota.

DirectoryEntry mbstore = new DirectoryEntry(       @"LDAP://" + strhome,        m_serviceaccount,        [m_pwd],        AuthenticationTypes.Secure); 

No matter what approach I tried (like SecureString), I am easily able to see the password (m_pwd) either using Reflector or using strings tab of Process Explorer for the executable.

I know I could put this code on the server or tighten up the security using mechanisms like delegation and giving only the required privileges to the service account.

Can somebody suggest a reasonably secure way to store the password in the local application without revealing the password to hackers?

Hashing is not possible since I need to know the exact password (not just the hash for matching purpose). Encryption/Decryption mechanisms are not working since they are machine dependent.

like image 765
Gulzar Nazim Avatar asked Sep 02 '08 22:09

Gulzar Nazim

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1 Answers

The sanctified method is to use CryptoAPI and the Data Protection APIs.

To encrypt, use something like this (C++):

DATA_BLOB blobIn, blobOut; blobIn.pbData=(BYTE*)data; blobIn.cbData=wcslen(data)*sizeof(WCHAR);  CryptProtectData(&blobIn, description, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE | CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobOut); _encrypted=blobOut.pbData; _length=blobOut.cbData; 

Decryption is the opposite:

DATA_BLOB blobIn, blobOut; blobIn.pbData=const_cast<BYTE*>(data); blobIn.cbData=length;  CryptUnprotectData(&blobIn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &blobOut);  std::wstring _decrypted; _decrypted.assign((LPCWSTR)blobOut.pbData,(LPCWSTR)blobOut.pbData+blobOut.cbData/sizeof(WCHAR)); 

If you don't specify CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE then the encrypted password can be securely stored in the registry or config file and only you can decrypt it. If you specify LOCAL_MACHINE, then anyone with access to the machine can get it.

like image 84
1800 INFORMATION Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09