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How I can sanitize my input values in node js?

I validated my Node.js inputs so that they won't be empty, but I want to sanitize them too. Please help me how I can do this.

req.checkBody('name', 'Name is required!').notEmpty(); req.checkBody('surname', 'Surname is required!').notEmpty(); req.checkBody('username', 'Username is required!').notEmpty(); req.checkBody('password', 'Password is required!').notEmpty(); req.checkBody('password2', 'Passwords do not match!').equals(req.body.password);  var errors = req.validationErrors();  if (errors) {     res.render('user/register', {         errors: errors,         user: null,         title: 'Register'     }); } else {     var userData = {         name : req.body.name,         surname : req.body.surname,         username : req.body.username,         password : req.body.password,         avatar : 'No_person.jpg'     };     userController.addUser(req,res,userData); } 
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V.Aleksanyan Avatar asked Oct 12 '17 20:10


People also ask

What is sanitizing input data?

Sanitizing and validating inputs is usually the first layer of defense. Sanitizing consists of removing any unsafe character from user inputs, and validating will check if the data is in the expected format and type.

How does a server sanitize the input?

Sanitizing inputs From the user s browser, data input travels through GET request, POST request, and cookies, which hackers can edit, modify, and manipulate to gain access to the web server. Input sanitization serves as a strainer to filter encoded data as it moves into the web server.

2 Answers

Actually, I wrote a package to solve this problem easily. You can use it or contribute to it on Github.

Download this package from here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/string-sanitizer

You can use this utility package to sanitize even foreign languages other than English. Under the hood, regex is used in this library. You can convert your string to URL or filename friendly string. The use cases are given below

var string = require("string-sanitizer");  string.sanitize("a.bc@d efg#h"); // abcdefgh string.sanitize.keepSpace("a.bc@d efg#h"); // abcd efgh string.sanitize.keepUnicode("a.bc@d efg#hক"); // abcd efghক string.sanitize.addFullstop("a.bc@d efg#h"); // abcd.efgh string.sanitize.addUnderscore("a.bc@d efg#h"); // abcd_efgh string.sanitize.addDash("a.bc@d efg#h"); // abcd-efgh string.sanitize.removeNumber("@abcd efgh123"); // abcdefgh string.sanitize.keepNumber("@abcd efgh123"); // abcdefgh123 string.addFullstop("abcd efgh"); // abcd.efgh string.addUnderscore("@abcd efgh"); // @abcd_efgh string.addDash("@abcd efgh"); // @abcd-efgh string.removeSpace("@abcd efgh"); // @abcdefgh 


enter image description here

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Md Fazlul Karim Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Md Fazlul Karim

  • For most of the framework, you can use sanitize node module:

     npm install sanitize --save 

    And then can use like:

     var sanitizer = require('sanitize')();   var name = sanitizer.value(req.name, 'string');  var surname= sanitizer.value(req.surname, 'string'); 

    For more can go through sanitize documentation

  • If you are using express, then you can validate and sanitize using express-validator and express-sanitize-input packages as follows:

     const express = require('express');  const { check } = require('express-validator');  const app = express();   app.use(express.json())   app.post('/form', [    check('name').isLength({ min: 3 }).trim().escape(),    check('email').isEmail().normalizeEmail(),    check('age').isNumeric().trim().escape()  ], (req, res) => {    const name  = req.body.name    const email = req.body.email    const age   = req.body.age  })   

    For more can go through express-validator and express-sanitize-input documentation.

  • If you are using Hapi, then you can validate and sanitize using Joi, With the Joi, you can sanitize variable with additional options

     validate(value, schema, {escapeHtml: true}, [callback]) 

    For more can go through Joi documentation.

  • If you don't want to use any third party module and want to sanitize using the built-in node. you can try following:

     // For string variables  str = typeof(str) === 'string' && str.trim().length > 0 ? str.trim() : '';  // for boolean values  bool = typeof(bool) === 'boolean' && bool === true ? true : false;  // for array values  arr = typeof(arr) === 'object' && arr instanceof Array ? arr : [];  // for number values  num = typeof(num) === 'number' && num % 1 === 0 ? num : 0;  // for objects  obj = typeof(obj) === 'object' && !(obj instanceof Array) && obj !== null ? obj : {}; 
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kgangadhar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
