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How hard to reverse engineer .pyd files?


People also ask

Can I read a pyd file?

How to open PYD files. You need a suitable software like Python from Python Software Foundation to open a PYD file. Without proper software you will receive a Windows message "How do you want to open this file?" or "Windows cannot open this file" or a similar Mac/iPhone/Android alert.

Can PYD files be decompiled?

pyd/. dll files were created in Cython, not Python? Anyway, generally it's not possible, unless there's a decompiler designed specifically for the language the file was originally compiled from.

Is pyd a DLL?

pyd files are just dll files ready for python importing. To distinguish them from normal dlls, I recommend .

After reading How do I protect Python code? , I decided to try a really simple extension module on Windows. I compiled my own extension module on Linux before, but this is the first time I compiled it on Windows. I was expecting to get a .dll file, but instead, I got a .pyd file. Docs says they are kind of same, but it must have an init[insert-module-name]() function.

Is it safe to assume, it is as hard to reverse engineer them as dll files. If not, what is their hardness to reverse engineer in a scale from .pyc file to .dll files?