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How get GET parameters with JSF2? [duplicate]





I have this url for example:


When the user click in this link, then I should be able to get the parameter value which is 'content'. I was reading BalusC tutorial but is JSF 1.2 and I'm learning with JSF 2.

How could I do that?

like image 471
Valter Silva Avatar asked Oct 15 '11 01:10

Valter Silva

1 Answers

Two ways (both examples assume that the parameter name is parameter as in your question):

  1. Use @ManagedProperty on the desired bean property:

    private String parameter;

    This works on request scoped beans only and does not allow for fine grained conversion and validation.

  2. Use <f:viewParam> in the view pointing to the desired bean property:

        <f:viewParam name="parameter" value="#{bean.parameter}" />

    This works on view scoped beans as well and allows for fine grained conversion and validation using the standard validators like as on normal input components. It even allows for attaching a <h:message>.

See also:

  • Communication in JSF 2.0 - Processing GET request parameters
  • ViewParam vs @ManagedProperty(value = "#{param.id}")
like image 198
BalusC Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
