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How get data from material-ui TextField, DropDownMenu components?

I create form, I have several TextField, DropDownMenu material-ui components included, question is how I can collect all data from all TextFields, DropDownMenus in one obj and sent it on server. For TextField it has TextField.getValue() Returns the value of the input. But I can`t understand how to use it.

var React = require('react'),     mui = require('material-ui'),     Paper = mui.Paper,     Toolbar = mui.Toolbar,     ToolbarGroup = mui.ToolbarGroup,     DropDownMenu = mui.DropDownMenu,     TextField = mui.TextField,     FlatButton = mui.FlatButton,     Snackbar = mui.Snackbar;  var menuItemsIwant = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select a finacial purpose]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var menuItemsIcan = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select an objective]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var menuItemsHousing = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select housing]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var menuItemsIlive = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select family mambers]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var menuItemsLifestyle = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select lifestyle]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var menuItemsLifestyle2 = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select savings]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var menuItemsIncome = [   { payload: '1', text: '[Select your yearly income]' },   { payload: '2', text: 'Every Night' },   { payload: '3', text: 'Weeknights' },   { payload: '4', text: 'Weekends' },   { payload: '5', text: 'Weekly' } ]; var Content = React.createClass({    getInitialState: function() {     return {       //formData: {       //  name: '',       //  age: '',       //  city: '',       //  state: ''       //},       errorTextName: '',       errorTextAge: '',       errorTextCity: '',       errorTextState: ''     };   },    render: function() {      return (       <div className="container-fluid">         <div className="row color-bg"></div>         <div className="row main-bg">           <div className="container">             <div className="mui-app-content-canvas page-with-nav">               <div className="page-with-nav-content">                  <Paper zDepth={1}>                    <h2 className="title-h2">Now, what would you like to do?</h2>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={1} float="right">                       <span>I want to</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         className="dropdown-long"                         menuItems={menuItemsIwant}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={2} float="right">                       <span>So I can</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         className="dropdown-long"                         menuItems={menuItemsIcan}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <h2 className="title-h2">Please, share a little about you.</h2>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={3} float="right">                       <span>I am</span>                       <TextField                         id="name"                         className="text-field-long"                         ref="textfield"                         hintText="Full name"                         errorText={this.state.errorTextName}                         onChange={this._handleErrorInputChange}                       />                       <span>and I am</span>                       <TextField                         id="age"                         className="text-field-short"                         ref="textfield"                         hintText="00"                         errorText={this.state.errorTextAge}                         onChange={this._handleErrorInputChange}                       />                       <span className="span-right-measure">years of age.</span>                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={4} float="right">                       <span>I</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         hintText="I"                         menuItems={menuItemsHousing}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                       <span>in</span>                       <TextField                         id="city"                         ref="textfield"                         className="text-field-long"                         hintText="City"                         errorText={this.state.errorTextCity}                         onChange={this._handleErrorInputChange}                       />                       <span>,</span>                       <TextField                         id="state"                         ref="textfield"                         className="text-field-short text-field-right-measure"                         hintText="ST"                         errorText={this.state.errorTextState}                         onChange={this._handleErrorInputChange}                       />                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={5} float="right">                       <span>Where I live</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         className="dropdown-long"                         menuItems={menuItemsIlive}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={6} float="right">                       <span>My lifestyle is</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         className="dropdown-short"                         menuItems={menuItemsLifestyle}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                       <span>and I've saved</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         className="dropdown-short"                         menuItems={menuItemsLifestyle2}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <Toolbar>                     <ToolbarGroup key={7} float="right">                       <span>My yearly household is about</span>                       <DropDownMenu                         className="dropdown-mobile"                         menuItems={menuItemsIncome}                         //autoWidth={false}                       />                     </ToolbarGroup>                   </Toolbar>                    <div className="clearfix"></div>                    <div className="button-place">                     <FlatButton                       onTouchTap={this._handleClick}                       label="I'm done lets go!"                     />                      <Snackbar                       ref="snackbar"                       message="Invalid input, please check and try again"                     />                   </div>                  </Paper>                </div>             </div>           </div>         </div>       </div>     );   },    _handleErrorInputChange: function(e) {     if (e.target.id === 'name') {       var name = e.target.value;       this.setState({         //name: name,         errorTextName: e.target.value ? '' : 'Please, type your Name'       });     } else if (e.target.id === 'age') {       var age = e.target.value;       this.setState({         //age: age,         errorTextAge: e.target.value ? '' : 'Check Age'       });     } else if (e.target.id === 'city') {       var city = e.target.value;       this.setState({         //city: city,         errorTextCity: e.target.value ? '' : 'Type City'       });     } else if (e.target.id === 'state') {       var state = e.target.value;       this.setState({         //state: state,         errorTextState: e.target.value ? '' : 'Type State'       });     }   },    _handleClick: function(e) {     this.refs.snackbar.show();     //TODO: find a way to change errorText for all empty TextField     if (this.refs.textfield && this.refs.textfield.getValue().length === 0) {       this.setState({         errorTextState: 'Type State',         errorTextCity: 'Type City',         errorTextAge: 'Check Age',         errorTextName: 'Please, type your Name'       });     }   }  });  module.exports = Content; 

I want sent it on server in _handleClick method.

like image 944
Vitalii Trachenko Avatar asked Apr 22 '15 08:04

Vitalii Trachenko

People also ask

How can I get data from TextField in material UI?

To get data from the React Material UI TextField component, we can get the input value from the onChange function. In the function, we can get the input value from the e. target. value property and set that as the value of a state.

How do I get a TextField value in React?

To set a value for TextField from Material UI with React, we set the value prop of the TextField to a state value. And we set the onChange prop to a function that sets the state to a the value that's inputted. We call the useState hook to create the value state and the setValue function to set the value state's value.

How do I invalidate a TextField in material UI?

To invalidate a TextField in React Material UI, we set the error and helperText props of the TextField to display the error message we want. We set the error prop to make the TextField 's border red when we enter invalid input. And we set the helperText prop to display the error text at the bottom.

How do I add maxLength in TextField in material UI?

You can set the maxLength property for limiting the text in text box. Instead of onChange method you can pass maxLength to the inputProps (lowercase i, not InputProps) props of material-ui TextField . Basically we can edit all input element's native attrs via inputProps object. This was the easiest solution.

1 Answers

Add an onChange handler to each of your TextField and DropDownMenu elements. When it is called, save the new value of these inputs in the state of your Content component. In render, retrieve these values from state and pass them as the value prop. See Controlled Components.

var Content = React.createClass({      getInitialState: function() {         return {             textFieldValue: ''         };     },      _handleTextFieldChange: function(e) {         this.setState({             textFieldValue: e.target.value         });     },      render: function() {         return (             <div>                 <TextField value={this.state.textFieldValue} onChange={this._handleTextFieldChange} />             </div>         )     }  }); 

Now all you have to do in your _handleClick method is retrieve the values of all your inputs from this.state and send them to the server.

You can also use the React.addons.LinkedStateMixin to make this process easier. See Two-Way Binding Helpers. The previous code becomes:

var Content = React.createClass({      mixins: [React.addons.LinkedStateMixin],      getInitialState: function() {         return {             textFieldValue: ''         };     },      render: function() {         return (             <div>                 <TextField valueLink={this.linkState('textFieldValue')} />             </div>         )     }  }); 
like image 56
Alexandre Kirszenberg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Alexandre Kirszenberg