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How generate pseudo-random numbers in uniform and gaussian distribution without float/double numbers?

I have to write pseudo-random generator on assembler without any float/double operations and functions, like sin/cos, sqrt e.t.c. So I can't use general methods to do that. Also I have limit for random-numbers: 00-0F. How can I do this?

As I understood, I need to generate uniform-number at first. I did it like this: x = (13 * x + 7) % 16; (but it has a problem - it's the unifromest distribution ever. If it generated 15 numbers and I know all of them, I can say 16th with 100% probability, because where is no repetition in period which is 16 (module) ).

And after that, I need to regenerate those numbers to gaussian. I found this solution in the internet, but it doesn't work.

for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) // N - amount of randomized numbers
    ++gx[x = (a * x + c) % m]; //gx - histogram of x
    xm[i] = x; // xm - massive of randomized numbers in uniform
    y = 0;      
    for (j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j)
        y += xm[j] * n - j; // n - primitive number. I choose 13
    y = y / (i + 1);
    y %= m;
    ym[i] = y; // ym - massive of randomized numbers in gaussian
    ++gy[y]; //gy - histogram of y

What should I do with it? (I know nothing about probability theory)

I get this output of gx and gy:

0       4       ****
1       4       ****
2       4       ****
3       4       ****
4       4       ****
5       4       ****
6       4       ****
7       4       ****
8       4       ****
9       4       ****
10      4       ****
11      4       ****
12      4       ****
13      4       ****
14      4       ****
15      4       ****

0       2       **
1       3       ***
2       8       ********
3       4       ****
4       10      **********
5       4       ****
6       1       *
7       2       **
8       1       *
9       3       ***
10      8       ********
11      4       ****
12      5       *****
13      6       ******
14      1       *
15      2       **
like image 615
Nexen Avatar asked Feb 08 '14 16:02


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1 Answers

Use a linear feedback shift register. All integer calculations, and you can peel off individual bytes to return your random number.

That page is just a particularly easy to approach example. There is lots of stuff available that talks about using LFSRs for generating pseudorandom numbers.

like image 102
Jim Mischel Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

Jim Mischel