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How drag and drop of files is done?

as in winamp or vlc player, how to do a file drag and drop? i mean i want to know what sort of coding goes into application? i want to know for c++

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kasperasky Avatar asked Jan 16 '09 08:01


People also ask

How do you drag and drop files?

To drag and drop a file or folder, click it with your left mouse button, then, without releasing the button, drag it to the desired location and release the mouse button to drop it. Refer to your Windows help for more information if you haven't used drag and drop.

How does drag and drop work?

Techopedia Explains Drag And Drop In order to perform this action, the user must highlight the text or select the object to be moved, then press and hold down the left mouse button to grab the object. The user then drags the object to the desired location, while still holding down the mouse button.

How can we move a file by drag and drop method?

To copy or move documents using the drag and drop method, follow these steps. In the Folders window, navigate to and select the document you wish to copy or move. Click and hold the left mouse button while you drag the document to the destination folder or drawer in the Folders window. Release the mouse button.

1 Answers

In pure C/C++ on Windows, start reading about the DragAcceptFiles function and the WM_DROPFILES message. If you're using a more powerful C++ library (Qt, Wx, etc) check their respective documentation. It would help to know what you use, more specifically.

Also, this discussion may answer your question. If it's what you meant, please close this question.

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Eli Bendersky Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10

Eli Bendersky