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How does X86 CPU translate an address to an IO such as VGA text buffer?

If I want to access the VGA text buffer in X86 which is located at address 0xb8000:

uint16_t *VGA_buffer = (uint16_t*)0xb8000;

Then I index the variable VGA_buffer as a normal array, i.e., VGA_buffer[0], VGA_buffer[1], etc.

However, I read about memory map in x86, the addresses listed there are physical addresses.

My question is:

How does the CPU access this address? Does the CPU knows that any address written explicitly in the code is a physical address and shall not pass by address translation mechanisms (logical address --> virtual address --> to physical address)?

Thanks in advance.

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mnabil Avatar asked Sep 01 '17 09:09


1 Answers

If you want to access a specific physical address while paging is enabled, map that physical address into virtual memory somewhere. If you're running under an existing OS, this is something you have to ask the OS to do for you.

How you ask the OS to do this for you is of course OS-specific.

For example, on Linux you could do this with an mmap() system call on /dev/mem, which is a special device file that gives access to the entire physical address space. See the mem(4) man page. Anything you do with /dev/mem is actually handled by the kernel device driver functions; it's just an API for letting you map physical memory. See also How does mmap'ing /dev/mem work despite being from unprivileged mode? (You need to be root, and even then it's just mapping memory, not running in kernel mode where you could run instructions like lidt).

This superuser answer mentions that Linux's CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM restricts it to only actual device memory, and is often enabled in real kernels.

So for example:

int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR);
volatile uint16_t *vgabase = mmap(NULL, 256 * 1024,
                             PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0xb8000);
// TODO: error checking on system-call return values.
// Run  strace ./a.out to see what happens (not recommended with an X server running...)

vgabase[1] = 'a' + (0x07<<8);  // lightgrey-on-black

http://wiki.osdev.org/VGA_Hardware#Video_Memory_Layout says that VGA memory is up to 256kiB, so I mapped it all. Note that the 0xb8000 is used as an offset into /dev/mem. That's how you tell the kernel which physical memory you want to map. You can also use /dev/mem with read/write or pread/pwrite system calls, e.g. to blit a buffer into physical memory at a given position.

Instead of just uint16_t*, you might define a struct for text mode:

struct vgatext_char {
    char c;
    union {  // anonymous union so you can do .fg or .color
      struct {uint8_t fg:4,
      uint8_t color;
// you might want to use this instead of uint16_t, 
// or with an anonymous union of this and uint16_t.

Does the CPU knows that any address written explicitly in the code is a physical address and shall not pass by address translation mechanisms

All load/store instructions will treat addresses as virtual. Even if the compiler wanted to do something different, it couldn't. x86 has no "store-physical" instruction that bypasses address-translation and paging permission checks.

Remember that the CPU runs machine code produced by the compiler. At that point, there's no distinction left between addresses that appeared as integer constants in the C source vs. addresses of string constants. (e.g. puts("Hello World"); might compile to mov edi,0x4005c4 / call puts).

e.g. look at how this function compiles:

#include <stdio.h>
int foo() {
    puts("hello world");
    char *p = 0xb8000;
    return 0;

In the compiler's asm output (from gcc -O3 for x86-64 Linux, on Godbolt), we see this:

    sub     rsp, 8

    mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0   # address of the string constant
    call    puts
    mov     edi, 753664             # 0xB8000
    call    puts

    xor     eax, eax          # return 0;
    add     rsp, 8

I passed it to puts just to illustrate that absolutely nothing is different in how a pointer that comes from an integer constant is handled. By the time we get to machine code (linker output), the label referring to the string-constant's address has been compiled to an immediate constant, just like the 0xB8000: disassembly output from the same compiler-explorer link:

 sub    rsp,0x8

 mov    edi,0x4005d4             # address of the string constant
 call   400410 <puts@plt>
 mov    edi,0xb8000
 call   400410 <puts@plt>

 xor    eax,eax
 add    rsp,0x8

It's only after addresses are mapped to physical that the hardware checks to see whether it's regular DRAM, MMIO, or device memory. (This happens in the system agent on Intel CPUs, on chip in the CPU, but outside of an individual core).

And for DRAM it also checks what memory type is in use: WB (write-back), USWC (uncacheable speculative write-combining), or UC (uncacheable) or others. VGA memory is normally USWC, so writing to it one char at a time is slow, and so is reading it. Use movnt stores and movntdqa loads to efficiently access whole blocks.

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Peter Cordes Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11

Peter Cordes