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How does Tumblr determine the order of posts with the same post date outside the dashboard?



On the dashboard, Tumblr posts appear in the order in which they were created (regardless of the date attached to them). But on the front-end (e.g. at mysite.tumblr.com), I'm seeing inconsistent order for posts with the same post date and time.

On a test Tumblr, I created the following posts in this order (post IDs in parens):

  • Post A, dated 2013-08-14 7:00:00 (58279080752)
  • Post B, dated 2013-08-14 7:00:00 (58279382194)
  • Post C, dated 2013-08-15 7:00:00 (58314687302)
  • Post D, dated 2013-08-15 7:00:00 (58314687868)

On my dashboard, they appear in proper reverse-chronological order of creation (assuming the IDs are sequential), D->C->B->A, but when I view my theme, they're in the order D->C->A->B.

So it seems that yesterday's posts are in reverse order of creation/ID, but today's posts are in the natural order of creation/ID. What would explain this inconsistency?

Note: I'm not interested in changing the order (I know I can just change the post date/time to do that). I'm interested in understanding the criteria Tumblr uses to order posts when they have the same date and time, which I cannot find documented.

Update: Here is an actual Tumblr I've created which displays this behavior: http://postordertest.tumblr.com/

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Steve Grossi Avatar asked Aug 15 '13 19:08

Steve Grossi

People also ask

Can you change the order of posts on Tumblr?

You can use backdating to change the order of the posts on your blog, and in the dashboard. Backdating can be done for brand new posts, and for posts already published to your blog.

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Tumblr determines that merely by the number of notes (a fancy word for comments) a post receives over the past three-month period, with at least a single comment coming in during the last two months. Hence, the ones with the most comments are ranked, with the top twenty then deemed as Top Posts.

Does Tumblr show date of post?

Unlike most blogging platforms, Tumblr posts don't display the date of a post. Fortunately, Tumblr allows you to customize your Tumblr blogs in a number of ways; you can even add post dates if you wish by modifying the HTML code of your Tumblr theme.

How do you sort Tumblr posts by date?

It can be a pain going through the entire blog or tag looking for the post. You can actually just find out what posts are posted on a specific date. You can do this by typing http://[username].tumblr.com/day/[year]/[month]/[day] .

1 Answers

Unfortunately, I believe the answer to my own question is "no particular order".

I created another test Tumblr, this time with three posts per identical datetime. For August 15 7am, the posts are displayed in 3rd-1st-2nd order of ID. But for August 14 7am, posts appear in 1st-3rd-2nd order of ID. No apparent pattern or consistency.

Then, I created two more posts dated August 15 7am. After publishing post G, Tumblr displayed the posts in 4th-3rd-1st-2nd order of ID. Again, no apparent order, other than the fact that the newest post appeared first. But here's where things got strange. After publishing a final Post H (same date/time), the entire order of posts for that datetime changed: from 4th-3rd-1st-2nd to 1st-5th-2nd-3rd-4th.

At this point, I can only conclude that Tumblr displays posts on blogs with the same date/time in no particular (or even consistently arbitrary) order.

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Steve Grossi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Steve Grossi