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Tumblr sharer URL override



Tumblr has a sharer just like Facebook and Twitter, Tumblr's is: http://www.tumblr.com/share/. I believe that Tumblr's works by looking at the referring URL and uses that.

I cannot seem to find any documentation to override that. I want to pass in an additional key into the URL that is sent by default. Any ideas how to do this?

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zgirod Avatar asked May 29 '11 18:05


1 Answers

The URL format is as follows:

http://tumblr.com/share?s=&v=3&t=[Title]&u=[uri encoded URL]

This will pre-populate the share form with the chosen title and url. As noted the URL, or value of u= must be URI encoded to work properly.

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onteria_ Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10
