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How does the Jackson mapper know what field in each Json object to assign to a class object?


Let's say I have a Json object like this:

    "name": "Bob Dole",
    "company": "Bob Dole Industries",
    "phone": {
        "work": "123-456-7890",
        "home": "234-567-8901",
        "mobile": "345-678-9012"

And to help me read it, I use Jackson's Object Mapper with the following class:

public class Contact {
        public static class Phone {
        private String work;
        private String home;
        private String mobile;

        public String getWork() { return work; }
        public String getHome() { return home; }
        public String getMobile() { return mobile; }

        public void setWork(String s) { work = s; }
        public void setHome(String s) { home = s; }
        public void setMobile(String s) { mobile = s; }

    private String name;
    private String company;
    private Phone phone;

    public String getName() { return name; }
    public String getCompany() { return company; }
    public Phone getPhone() { return phone; }

    public void setName(String s) { name = s; }
    public void setCompany(String s) { company = s; }
    public void setPhone(Phone p) { phone = p; }

My question is, how (using the simplest explanation possible), does the Object mapper "deserialize" the Json object? I thought it was matching variable names, but changing them by a few letters didn't affect the output. Then, I tried switching the order of the set() functions, but that didn't do anything. I also tried both, but that was also useless. I'm guessing there's something more sophisticated at work here, but what?

I tried to look in the documentation and past code, but I didn't see an explanation that made sense to me.