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How does the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm work?

I am currently working on a project to pictorially explain the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm.

I am using the pseudo-code from the Wikipedia article.

I have also seen this algorithm implemented on Stack Overflow in Python

This would do fantastically if only I didn't have to understand the algorithm completely to use it.

My questions are as follows: What is the meaning of the Dist[] array in the pseudo-code, and how is the layering of the graph done in the Breadth-First-Search. I have a grasp on the workings of the DFS.

Thanks in advance.

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Schisis Avatar asked Jun 16 '11 02:06


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1 Answers

The standard BFS creates layers such that nodes in successive layers are at a distance of exactly 1 apart (i.e. there is a path of length 1 between the nodes of successive layers).

for v in G1
    if Pair[v] == NIL
       Dist[v] = 0
       Dist[v] = INF

So that code initializes the first layer of the BFS tree, setting all "free nodes" v (i.e. Pair[v] == NIL) to be at distance 0.

while Empty(Q) == false
   v = Dequeue(Q)
   for each u in Adj[v]
        if Dist[ Pair[u] ] == INF
             Dist[ Pair[u] ] = Dist[v] + 1

and this code continues on building the BFS tree layer by layer, for nodes u that are neighbors of v (at distance exactly one).

Dist[] is just a way to manage the distances from nodes to the initial layer of the BFS

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kaveman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
