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How does the C++17 proposal for uniform call syntax intend to handle namespaces?

As far as I know, there are two propsals for uniform call syntax for C++17 (where the other one is called unified call syntax).

Reading them, I cant see how they intend to handle namespaces.


class Class {...}
namespace MyNamespace {
  void f(Class x, Class y);

Will it be possible to call this method using something like:

Class a, b;

Or do both the free function, and the class need to be defined in the same namespace?




like image 758
Viktor Sehr Avatar asked Dec 20 '15 00:12

Viktor Sehr

1 Answers

Update: C++17 does not get unified call syntax at this time. Motion does not pass. #cpp #cpp17


like image 146
Software_Designer Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10
