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how does `shopt -s lastpipe` affect bash script behavior?




I am trying to make ffcast screen casting tool bash 4.1 backwards compatible.

and in this ffcast.bash script, there is oneline

shopt -s extglob lastpipe

lastpipe option is only available after bash 4.3, what can I do to emulate its effect?

like image 820
Shuman Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 18:03


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2 Answers

lastpipe (introduced in bash 4.2, by the way) can only be simulated by not using a pipe. You need to explicitly run the last command of the pipe line in the current shell, and redirect its input from either a process substitution

# foo | bar | baz becomes ...
baz < <(foo | bar)

or a named pipe (which is POSIX-compliant as well)

# foo | bar | baz becomes ...
mkfifo baz_input
foo | bar > baz_input &
baz < baz_input
like image 105
chepner Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 14:10


Usual behavior without lastpipe and with job control enabled is to run each element of the pipeline in a sub-shell.

echo asd | var=$(cat) ; echo $var

var contains nothing, but user may expect that var will contain asd. That is because last pipeline element sets var in a sub-shell which has no access to current shell's environment.

From man bash:

Each command in a pipeline is executed as a separate process (i.e., in a subshell). See COMMAND EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT for a description of a subshell environment. If the lastpipe option is enabled using the shopt builtin (see the description of shopt below), the last element of a pipeline may be run by the shell process.

I don't know what is may be... Here is better description:

If set, and job control is not active, the shell runs the last command of a pipeline not executed in the background in the current shell environment.


set +m  # To disable job control
shopt -s lastpipe
echo asd | var=$(cat)
echo $var

and now var contains asd.

Thanks @chepner.

Earlier I used to write like:

{ while read;do var="$REPLY";done; } < <(command | filter)

in cases when

var=$(command | filter)

is not suitable.

like image 38
kyb Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10
