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How does React Hooks useCallback "freezes" the closure?

I'd like to know how does React "freezes" the closure while using the useCallback hook (and with others as well), and then only updates variables used inside the hook when you pass them into the inputs parameter.

I understand that the "freeze" may not be very clear, so I created a REPL.it that shows what I mean: https://repl.it/repls/RudeMintcreamShoutcast. Once you open the code, open your web browser console and start clicking on the count button.

How come the value outside compared to the one inside, for the same variable, is different, if they're under the same closure and referencing the same thing? I'm not familiar with React codebase and so I suppose I'm missing an under the hood implementation detail here, but I tried to think how that could work for several minutes but couldn't come up with a good understanding on how React is achieving that.

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Edmundo Rodrigues Avatar asked Feb 07 '19 15:02

Edmundo Rodrigues

People also ask

How does useCallback hook work?

The useCallback hook is used when you have a component in which the child is rerendering again and again without need. Pass an inline callback and an array of dependencies. useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed.

What does useCallback hook do in React?

The React useCallback Hook returns a memoized callback function. Think of memoization as caching a value so that it does not need to be recalculated. This allows us to isolate resource intensive functions so that they will not automatically run on every render.

Is useCallback a closure?

When you call the callback, it will call the function you passed in on the first render, which still references the same values from that point in time. This has nothing to do with the values you passed in as dependencies - it's just normal JavaScript closures!

Are React Hooks closures?

React hooks have made it very easy to manage state and side effects in functional components. They let us use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks rely on JavaScript closures. If you are not aware of JavaScript closures, I would recommend watching this video to learn about it.

1 Answers

The first time the component is rendered, the useCallback hook will take the function that is passed as its argument and stores it behind the scenes. When you call the callback, it will call your function. So far, so good.

The second time that the component is rendered, the useCallback hook will check the dependencies you passed in. If they have not changed, the function you pass in is totally ignored! When you call the callback, it will call the function you passed in on the first render, which still references the same values from that point in time. This has nothing to do with the values you passed in as dependencies - it's just normal JavaScript closures!

When the dependencies change, the useCallback hook will take the function you pass in and replace the function it has stored. When you call the callback, it will call the new version of the function.

So in other words, there's no "frozen"/conditionally updated variables - it's just storing a function and then re-using it, nothing more fancy than that :)

EDIT: Here's an example that demonstrates what's going on in pure JavaScript:

// React has some component-local storage that it tracks behind the scenes.
// useState and useCallback both hook into this.
// Imagine there's a 'storage' variable for every instance of your
// component.
const storage = {};

function useState(init) {
  if (storage.data === undefined) {
    storage.data = init;
  return [storage.data, (value) => storage.data = value];

function useCallback(fn) {
  // The real version would check dependencies here, but since our callback
  // should only update on the first render, this will suffice.
  if (storage.callback === undefined) {
    storage.callback = fn;

  return storage.callback;

function MyComponent() {
  const [data, setData] = useState(0);
  const callback = useCallback(() => data);

  // Rather than outputting DOM, we'll just log.
  console.log("data:", data);
  console.log("callback:", callback());

  return {
    increase: () => setData(data + 1)

let instance = MyComponent(); // Let's 'render' our component...

instance.increase(); // This would trigger a re-render, so we call our component again...
instance = MyComponent();

instance.increase(); // and again...
instance = MyComponent();
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Joe Clay Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Joe Clay