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How does rails implement before_filter?


I'm interested in how rails implement filters like before_filter.

But after reading the source code, I'm still confused.

I noticed that rails' framework maintains a filter_chain, and run the filters before the target method.

But, I do not understand an important process: how does rails capture a method calling?

I mean, for example, I have a class Dog, and set a before_filter to the method bark.

When I call dog.bark, rails should capture this calling in some way, and run its modified method instead.

However, I do not find such code in the source code.

Can anyone tell me the idea or point out where the code lies?

like image 949
HanXu Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 09:08


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2 Answers

When you set a before_filter, or any similar filter (think after_filter, around_filter), you're doing so with either a Symbol or a Proc, lambda or block.

before_filter :bark
before_filter Proc.new { |k| k.bark }

The above appends the symbols or blocks to a stack here, by calling set_callback. This builds the 'chain' you're referring to.

Each item in this 'chain' is an instance of the ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback class. This class knows

  • The the method (Symbol) or block it must run (ie. your class' :bark method)
  • The context which it must run within (ie. your Dog class)

The Callback instances are appended to a ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackChain in __update_callbacks.

When each Callback class is initialized, _compile_filter is run to normalize the filter from the Symbol, Proc, lambda, or block into a common, callable format.

Finally, when the CallbackChain is run, it will call start on each Callback instance, and its at this point that the filter is actually executed within the proper context.

It's important to point out that you would not create a filter like

before_filter dog.bark

this is going to execute dog.bark and pass it's return value to before_filter to be appended to the CallbackChain. The intention is to pass some sort of instruction on to before_filter for Rails to later execute for you. You would instead do something like

before_filter Proc.new { d = Dog.new; d.bark }

The code within the Proc is not executed. when the line above is run by Rails. Instead, Rails is being told to pass the Proc to the CallbackChain. The Proc is the 'instruction' you're passing on to Rails to execute at the appropriate time.

how in the first place does rails know I have called :bark

As for this, let's say your Dog class is simply defined as

class Dog
  def bark


  def eat


(Though this is a terrible example), you might want to have something like

before_bark :eat

This requires you define the bark callback, and then tell your bark method to run the related bark callbacks.

class Dog
  extend ActiveModel::Callbacks

  define_callbacks :bark

  before_bark :eat

  def bark
    run_callbacks(:bark) { YOUR BARK CODE HERE }

  def eat


You can see how ActiveRecord::Callbacks does this.

This really is a bad example though because you can (and should) just call eat directly from bark, but this should get the point across.

like image 170
deefour Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10


Rails doesn't capture method calls the way you describe. If you look at AbstractController::Base.process it will look up the method to be called for the dispatched action, run the filters and then call the actual method. In other words, your controller method is not called directly, but through this process method.

like image 34
harald Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
