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How does Python insertion sort work?



Here's a Python implementation of insertion sort, I tried to follow the values on paper but once the counting variable i gets bigger than len(s) I don't know what to do, how/why does it still run?

def sort_numbers(s):
    for i in range(1, len(s)):
        val = s[i]
        j = i - 1
        while (j >= 0) and (s[j] > val):
            s[j+1] = s[j]
            j = j - 1
        s[j+1] = val

def main():
    x = eval(input("Enter numbers to be sorted: "))
    x = list(x)
like image 574
CT Hildreth Avatar asked Oct 06 '12 00:10

CT Hildreth

People also ask

How does an insertion sort work?

An insertion sort compares values in turn, starting with the second value in the list. If this value is greater than the value to the left of it, no changes are made. Otherwise this value is repeatedly moved left until it meets a value that is less than it. The sort process then starts again with the next value.

How does insertion sort sort an array?

Insertion sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works similar to the way you sort playing cards in your hands. The array is virtually split into a sorted and an unsorted part. Values from the unsorted part are picked and placed at the correct position in the sorted part.

What algorithm does Python sort use?

Timsort has been Python's standard sorting algorithm since version 2.3. It is also used to sort arrays of non-primitive type in Java SE 7, on the Android platform, in GNU Octave, on V8, Swift, and Rust.

What is the basic principle of sorting in insertion sort?

Insertion sort is based on the idea that one element from the input elements is consumed in each iteration to find its correct position i.e, the position to which it belongs in a sorted array.

4 Answers

Or, this one:

def ins_sort(k):
    for i in range(1,len(k)):    #since we want to swap an item with previous one, we start from 1
        j = i                    #create i's copy (or not)
        temp = k[j]              #temp will be used for comparison with previous items, and sent to the place it belongs
        while j > 0 and temp < k[j-1]: #j>0 bcoz no point going till k[0] since there is no seat available on its left, for temp
            k[j] = k[j-1] #Move the bigger item 1 step right to make room for temp
            j=j-1 #take k[j] all the way left to the place where it has a smaller/no value to its left.
        k[j] = temp
    return k
like image 156
Ketan Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10


Consider [3, 2, 1]

The loop starts with 3. Since it is the first item in the list there is nothing else to do.

[3, 2, 1]

The next item is 2. It compares 2 to 3 and since 2 is less than 3 it swaps them, first putting 3 in the second position and then placing 2 in the first position.

[2, 3, 1]

The last item is 1. Since 1 is less than 3 it moves 3 over.

[2, 3, 3]

Since 1 is less than 2 it swaps moves 2 over.

[2, 2, 3]

Then it inserts 1 at the beginning.

[1, 2, 3]
like image 33
Nathan Villaescusa Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

Nathan Villaescusa

To see how that implementation works, check it out visualized here: http://goo.gl/piDCnm

However, here is a less confusing implementation of insertion sort:

def insertion_sort(seq):
    for i in range(1, len(seq)):
        j = i
        while j > 0 and seq[j - 1] > seq[j]:
            seq[j - 1], seq[j] = seq[j], seq[j - 1]
            j -= 1
like image 36
Aziz Alto Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

Aziz Alto

a recursive implementation

def insert(x, L):
    if [] == L:      return [x]
    elif x <= L[0]:  return [x] + L
    else:            return [L[0]] + insert(x,L[1:])

def insertion_sort(L):
    if [] == L:  return []
    else:        return insert(L[0], insertion_sort(L[1:]))

# test
import random

L = [random.randint(1,50) for _ in range(10)]

print L
print insertion_sort(L)
like image 31
Arnaldo P. Figueira Figueira Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 02:10

Arnaldo P. Figueira Figueira