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How does pylint remember scores from previous runs?




In a typical pylint run, we get the following output:

Global evaluation
Your code has been rated at 9.50/10 (previous run: 8.50/10)


|                         |now   |previous |difference |
|nb duplicated lines      |0     |0        |=          |
|percent duplicated lines |0.000 |0.000    |=          |

I wonder how pylint remembers scores from previous runs - In the example above, the score from previous run was 8.5.

I want to implement such a functionality in my own module, and I thought I should first find out how pylint implements the functionality.

I searched for hidden folders where this data could be stored, but found none.

like image 614
Kaushik Pavani Avatar asked Aug 24 '14 19:08

Kaushik Pavani

People also ask

How does pylint calculate score?

The score is calculated using Pylint version 2.4. 3 To calculate the coding convention score, we will use the standard coding convention score calculated by Pylint. The formula for this score is as follows: 10.0 - ((float(5 * Frequency of convention errors) / Number of statement) * 10).

What is a good pylint score?

In python, the most consensual writing style is defined by the PEP-8 standard, which the popular pylint package enforces. It comes with a handy metric, the Pylint score: you get a 10/10 for perfectly conforming to the standard, less it you stray from it.

What does pylint check for?

Pylint analyses your code without actually running it. It checks for errors, enforces a coding standard, looks for code smells, and can make suggestions about how the code could be refactored. Pylint can infer actual values from your code using its internal code representation (astroid).

How do you read pylint output?

Output optionsThe simplest way to output to a file is with the --output=<filename> option. The default format for the output is raw text. You can change this by passing pylint the --output-format=<value> option. Possible values are: text , json , parseable , colorized and msvs (for Visual Studio).

1 Answers

I have a .pylintrc file in my home directory that includes the following line:

#pickle collected data for later comparisons.

So it seems pylint does use pickle for comparisons

In the lint.py from the source code:

def make_options():
        return (('ignore',
                 {'type' : 'csv', 'metavar' : '<file>[,<file>...]',
                  'dest' : 'black_list', 'default' : ('CVS',),
                  'help' : 'Add files or directories to the blacklist. '
                           'They should be base names, not paths.'}),
                 {'default': True, 'type' : 'yn', 'metavar' : '<y_or_n>',
                  'level': 1,
                  'help' : 'Pickle collected data for later comparisons.'})

The full lint.py source is here

The bit that is most interesting is probably this method:

def close(self):
        """close the whole package /module, it's time to make reports !

        if persistent run, pickle results for later comparison
        if self.file_state.base_name is not None:
            # load previous results if any
            previous_stats = config.load_results(self.file_state.base_name)
            # XXX code below needs refactoring to be more reporter agnostic
            self.reporter.on_close(self.stats, previous_stats)
            if self.config.reports:
                sect = self.make_reports(self.stats, previous_stats)
                if self.config.files_output:
                    filename = 'pylint_global.' + self.reporter.extension
                    self.reporter.set_output(open(filename, 'w'))
                sect = Section()
            if self.config.reports or self.config.output_format == 'html':
            # save results if persistent run
            if self.config.persistent:
                config.save_results(self.stats, self.file_state.base_name)
            self.reporter.on_close(self.stats, {})

You will also want to look at the config.py source

def load_results(base):
    """try to unpickle and return data from file if it exists and is not

    return an empty dictionary if it doesn't exists
    data_file = get_pdata_path(base, 1)
        with open(data_file, _PICK_LOAD) as stream:
            return pickle.load(stream)
        return {}
like image 134
Padraic Cunningham Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Padraic Cunningham