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How does Photoshop's magnetic lasso work?

Seems like GIMP's intelligent scissor is based on a paper from SIGGRAPH '95 on "Intelligent Scissors for Image Composition", as seen in one of the comments in the source.

However Magnetic Lasso in Photoshop differs a lot, while GIMP's tool gives users an option to click vertices of desired figure and approximates along edges found in the image, photoshop's magnetic lasso on the other hand, gives users a way to run freehand and gives something between computerized approximation and what the user desired to draw.

Looking at this behavior its quite obvious that Magnetic Lasso style selection would quite cool for selection in touch based interfaces. Any pointers on how magnetic lasso differs from the GIMP's tool? Any specific papers/algorithms to look into?

like image 307
Abhishek Mishra Avatar asked Dec 01 '10 09:12

Abhishek Mishra

People also ask

How do you fix magnetic lasso tool?

Fixing Mistakes Press Backspace (Win) / Delete (Mac) to remove anchor points when mistakes happen. Click to add an anchor point manually whenever you need one. If you've completely messed up with the Magnetic Lasso Tool and need to start over, press the Esc key to clear away everything you've done.

1 Answers

One algorithm you can look into is Marching Squares.

like image 86
ejohansson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
