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How does implicit <:< help to find type parameters


A couple of questions arise while I'm reading 7.3.2 Capturing type constraints from Joshua's Scala in Depth. The example excerpted from the book:

scala> def peek[C, A](col: C)(implicit ev: C <:< Traversable[A]) = (col.head, col) peek: [C, A](col: C)(implicit ev: <:<[C,Traversable[A]])(A, C)  scala> peek(List(1, 2, 3)) res9: (Int, List[Int]) = (1,List(1, 2, 3)) 

It seems straightforward that C is found to be List[Int] by the 1st parameter list. And how <:< enforces type constraint by variance is explained in the book. But I don't quite see how that helps to find A.

My understanding is, from 1st parameter list, scala finds out C: List[Int], then it looks for implicit ev: <:<[List[Int], Traversable[A]]. At the moment A remains unknown. It "pulls" two implicits conforms[List[Int]] and conforms[Traversable[A]] to match ev. In either case to satisfy variance, List[Int] <: Traversable[A] has to be satisfied, which leads to the finding that A is Int.

Does it work as what I'm describing here? Especially on how/when A is deduced.

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cfchou Avatar asked Apr 14 '13 10:04


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What Are Implicit Parameters? Implicit parameters are similar to regular method parameters, except they could be passed to a method silently without going through the regular parameters list. A method can define a list of implicit parameters, that is placed after the list of regular parameters.

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What is the use of implicit in Scala?

The implicit system in Scala allows the compiler to adjust code using a well-defined lookup mechanism. A programmer in Scala can leave out information that the compiler will attempt to infer at compile time. The Scala compiler can infer one of two situations: A method call or constructor with a missing parameter.

What are implicit parameters in Scala?

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1 Answers

As pedrofurla commented, you've got it right—with one little qualification. You say that the compiler "pulls" conforms[Traversable[A]], but there's really no need for any such instance here. To take a simplified example where it's very clear what implicits are in scope:

trait Foo[-From, +To]  implicit object intListFoo extends Foo[List[Int], List[Int]] 

Now there's definitely no Foo[Traversable[Int], Traversable[Int]] around, but we can write the following:

scala> implicitly[Foo[List[Int], Traversable[Int]]] res0: Foo[List[Int],Traversable[Int]] = intListFoo$@8e760f2 

More or less exactly the same thing is happening in your example. In that case we would have an instance Traversable[Int] <:< Traversable[Int] around if we needed it, but we don't for that specific implicit search.

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Travis Brown Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Travis Brown