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How does F#'s async really work?

I am trying to learn how async and let! work in F#. All the docs i've read seem confusing. What's the point of running an async block with Async.RunSynchronously? Is this async or sync? Looks like a contradiction.

The documentation says that Async.StartImmediate runs in the current thread. If it runs in the same thread, it doesn't look very asynchronous to me... Or maybe asyncs are more like coroutines rather than threads. If so, when do they yield back an forth?

Quoting MS docs:

The line of code that uses let! starts the computation, and then the thread is suspended until the result is available, at which point execution continues.

If the thread waits for the result, why should i use it? Looks like plain old function call.

And what does Async.Parallel do? It receives a sequence of Async<'T>. Why not a sequence of plain functions to be executed in parallel?

I think i'm missing something very basic here. I guess after i understand that, all the documentation and samples will start making sense.

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marcus Avatar asked Aug 22 '10 03:08


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2 Answers

A few things.

First, the difference between

let resp = req.GetResponse()


let! resp = req.AsyncGetReponse()

is that for the probably hundreds of milliseconds (an eternity to the CPU) where the web request is 'at sea', the former is using one thread (blocked on I/O), whereas the latter is using zero threads. This is the most common 'win' for async: you can write non-blocking I/O that doesn't waste any threads waiting for hard disks to spin around or network requests to return. (Unlike most other languages, you aren't forced to do inversion of control and factor things into callbacks.)

Second, Async.StartImmediate will start an async on the current thread. A typical use is with a GUI, you have some GUI app that wants to e.g. update the UI (e.g. to say "loading..." somewhere), and then do some background work (load something off disk or whatever), and then return to the foreground UI thread to update the UI when completed ("done!"). StartImmediate enables an async to update the UI at the start of the operation and to capture the SynchronizationContext so that at the end of the operation is can return to the GUI to do a final update of the UI.

Next, Async.RunSynchronously is rarely used (one thesis is that you call it at most once in any app). In the limit, if you wrote your entire program async, then in the "main" method you would call RunSynchronously to run the program and wait for the result (e.g. to print out the result in a console app). This does block a thread, so it is typically only useful at the very 'top' of the async portion of your program, on the boundary back with synch stuff. (The more advanced user may prefer StartWithContinuations - RunSynchronously is kinda the "easy hack" to get from async back to sync.)

Finally, Async.Parallel does fork-join parallelism. You could write a similar function that just takes functions rather than asyncs (like stuff in the TPL), but the typical sweet spot in F# is parallel I/O-bound computations, which are already async objects, so this is the most commonly useful signature. (For CPU-bound parallelism, you could use asyncs, but you could also use TPL just as well.)

like image 159
Brian Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11


The usage of async is to save the number of threads in usage.

See the following example:

let fetchUrlSync url = 
    let req = WebRequest.Create(Uri url)
    use resp = req.GetResponse()
    use stream = resp.GetResponseStream()
    use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
    let contents = reader.ReadToEnd()

let sites = ["http://www.bing.com";

// execute the fetchUrlSync function in parallel 
let pagesSync = sites |> PSeq.map fetchUrlSync  |> PSeq.toList

The above code is what you want to do: define a function and execute in parallel. So why do we need async here?

Let's consider something big. E.g. if the number of sites is not 4, but say, 10,000! Then There needs 10,000 threads to run them in parallel, which is a huge resource cost.

While in async:

let fetchUrlAsync url =
    async { let req =  WebRequest.Create(Uri url)
            use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse()
            use stream = resp.GetResponseStream()
            use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
            let contents = reader.ReadToEnd()
            return contents }
let pagesAsync = sites |> Seq.map fetchUrlAsync |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously

When the code is in use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse(), the current thread is given up and its resource could be used for other purposes. If the response comes back in 1 second, then your thread could use this 1 second to process other stuff. Otherwise the thread is blocked, wasting thread resource for 1 second.

So even your are downloading 10000 web pages in parallel in an asynchronous way, the number of threads are limited to a small number.

I think you are not a .Net/C# programmer. The async tutorial usually assumes that one knows .Net and how to program asynchronous IO in C#(a lot of code). The magic of Async construct in F# is not for parallel. Because simple parallel could be realized by other constructs, e.g. ParallelFor in the .Net parallel extension. However, the asynchronous IO is more complex, as you see the thread gives up its execution, when the IO finishes, the IO needs to wake up its parent thread. This is where async magic is used for: in several lines of concise code, you can do very complex control.

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Yin Zhu Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11

Yin Zhu