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How does Foldable.foldl work on Num a => a

In LYAH, there is a piece of code that looks like this.

data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)  

instance F.Foldable Tree where  
    foldMap f Empty = mempty  
    foldMap f (Node x l r) = F.foldMap f l `mappend`  
                             f x           `mappend`  
                             F.foldMap f r  

ghci> F.foldl (+) 0 testTree  
ghci> F.foldl (*) 1 testTree  

As far as I know, foldMap is of type foldMap :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m, but Num a => a itself is not of type Monoid, so I am wondering how does Foldable.foldl actually work here? And since foldMap is called internally by Foldable.foldl, what is the type of the Monoid?

like image 853
Lifu Huang Avatar asked Sep 14 '17 16:09

Lifu Huang

1 Answers

It's a bit easier to figure out if you consider foldr, which has the type (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b. The 'algebra' function has the type a -> b -> b, which you can view as a -> (b -> b) - that is: a function that takes a as input, and returns b -> b as output.

Now, b -> b is an endomorphism, which is also a monoid, and Data.Monoid defines a type Endo a (or here, it ought perhaps to be Endo b), which is, indeed, a Monoid.

foldr simply uses Endo internally to call foldMap:

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo #. f) t) z

foldl basically just flips the arguments around in order to do the same trick:

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z

To be clear, I literally copied these two function implementation from the Haskell source. If you go to the documentation of Data.Foldable, there are various links to view the source. That's what I did.

like image 138
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 12:11

Mark Seemann