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How does dplyr’s between work?


I’ve read the documentation and I’ve tried googling it; it should be a simple thing, but it would seem it’s not to me; so I boldly go forth and ask if someone here could explain me how dplyr’s between() works.

# Explanation documentation between(x, left, right)  x            A numeric vector of values left, right: Boundary values 

I understand a vector is a one-dimensional array, so I suppose c(1:7) is a vector, right? I tried using the example provided in the documentation as a template to search for flights july–september, but the following just returns an error:

# Example from documentation cont’d x <- rnorm(1e2) x[between(x, -1, 1)]  # Loading the library library(nycflights13)  # Execute my hopeless attempt at between() flights[between(month, 7, 9)]  # Output and error message > flights[between(month, 7, 9)] Error in between(month, 7, 9) : object 'month' not found 

I feel really daft asking this, but any help in understanding this will be greatly appreciated. I would also apologise for not asking a well-defined question; as is probably appreciated, I really don’t know how to phrase it other than ‘I don’t get it’.

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Canned Man Avatar asked Oct 12 '16 11:10

Canned Man

2 Answers

between is nothing special — any other function in R would have led to the same problem. Your confusion stems from the fact that dplyr has a lot of functions that allow you to work on data.frame column names as if they were normal variables; for instance:

filter(flights, month > 9) 

However, between is not one of these functions. As mentioned, it’s simply a normal function. So if you want to use it, you need to provide arguments in the conventional way; for instance:

between(flights$month, 7, 9) 

This will return a logical vector, and you can now use it to index your data.frame:

flights[between(flights$month, 7, 9), ] 

Or, more dplyr-like:

flights %>% filter(between(month, 7, 9)) 

Note that here we now use non-standard evaluation. But the evaluation is performed by filter, not by between. between is called (by filter) using standard evaluation.

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Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10

Konrad Rudolph

I guess you want it like this:

library(nycflights13) library(dplyr)  flights %>% filter(between(month,7,9)) 

I see in the meantime this solution also appeared in the comments.

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Wietze314 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
