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How does AMD (specifically RequireJs) handle dependancies across multiple modules

I have my main initialization script which calls require() and one of the dependencies is a utilities framework, but some of the other modules that I'm specifying via require() also themselves have defined this framework as a dependency.

For example (init.js):

require(['module-a', 'module-b', 'module-c'], function(a, b, c){
    // where module-c is the framework

And then in 'module-a' I have:

define(['module-c'], function(c){
    // utilize module-c framework

So how does AMD/RequireJs handle this scenario, does it load the same framework twice?

Any help appreciated.

Kind regards, Mark

like image 686
Integralist Avatar asked Oct 23 '11 15:10


2 Answers

It will only be loaded once, both of the above modules will get the same module value for 'module-c'.

like image 97
jrburke Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 09:10


Incase its useful to others - Here's a situation I came across where a module was loaded twice:

For the following project structure:


where the RequireJs baseurl is ~/prj/js/app

fileA.js refers to the external (ext) dependancy publisher.js as:

define(['../ext/publisher'], function(){});

But fileB.js refers to the same dependancy with a different path:

define(['../../ext/publisher'], function(){});

In short, for both files, the dependency paths are different although the dependancy is in the same location. In this case, publisher.js gets loaded twice.

Use Firebug's Net tab to see it loading twice:

dependency.js being loaded twice (firebug)

This is easily fixed using paths to configure the external folder path (as explained in the require_js docs):

    paths: {ext: '../ext'}

After setting paths, the dependency is loaded just once with fileA.js and fileB.js both using the same dependency path as follows:

define(['ext/publisher'], function(){});


define(['ext/publisher'], function(){});
like image 37
Kayo Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 09:10
