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How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

In simple words, what is the ?: (conditional, "ternary") operator and how can I use it?

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muudless Avatar asked Jun 07 '11 02:06


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How do you write conditional in JavaScript?

The keyword if tells JavaScript to start the conditional statement. (10 > 5) is the condition to test, which in this case is true — 10 is greater than 5. The part contained inside curly braces {} is the block of code to run. Because the condition passes, the variable outcome is assigned the value "if block".

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1 Answers

This is a one-line shorthand for an if-else statement. It's called the conditional operator.1

Here is an example of code that could be shortened with the conditional operator:

var userType; if (userIsYoungerThan18) {   userType = "Minor"; } else {   userType = "Adult"; }  if (userIsYoungerThan21) {   serveDrink("Grape Juice"); } else {   serveDrink("Wine"); } 

This can be shortened with the ?: like so:

var userType = userIsYoungerThan18 ? "Minor" : "Adult";  serveDrink(userIsYoungerThan21 ? "Grape Juice" : "Wine"); 

Like all expressions, the conditional operator can also be used as a standalone statement with side-effects, though this is unusual outside of minification:

userIsYoungerThan21 ? serveGrapeJuice() : serveWine(); 

They can even be chained:

serveDrink(userIsYoungerThan4 ? 'Milk' : userIsYoungerThan21 ? 'Grape Juice' : 'Wine'); 

Be careful, though, or you will end up with convoluted code like this:

var k = a ? (b ? (c ? d : e) : (d ? e : f)) : f ? (g ? h : i) : j; 

1Often called "the ternary operator," but in fact it's just a ternary operator [an operator accepting three operands]. It's the only one JavaScript currently has, though.

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Peter Olson Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Peter Olson