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How do you turn on password hashing (SSHA) in openLDAP [closed]

For the life of me, I cannot seem to find this anywhere and if anyone can even just give me a link I would be very appreciative.

We are trying to turn on SSHA hashing in openLDAP. By default it stores passwords in plaintext, which I think is criminal but hey I am an AD guy so what do I know. But you would think that they would make it easy to find the information needed to turn on hashing if you so choose. And wouldn't you choose?

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Sevil Natas Avatar asked Jul 31 '12 00:07

Sevil Natas

People also ask

How do I get an Ssha password?

To create SSHA password you'll need to create a SHA1 hash of the password with the salt appended to the string (password + salt). Take this hash and base 64 encode it with the salt appended (SHA1 + salt). Check out the attached examples or an example script in a community repo in Github.

Does LDAP hash passwords?

LDAP passwords are normally stored in the userPassword attribute. RFC4519 specifies that passwords are not stored in encrypted (or hashed) form. This allows a wide range of password-based authentication mechanisms, such as DIGEST-MD5 to be used. This is also the most interoperable storage scheme.

What is Ssha?

{SHA} and {SSHA} are RFC 2307 passwords schemes which use the SHA1 secure hash algorithm. The {SSHA} is the seeded varient. {SSHA} is recommended over other RFC 2307 schemes. Netscape provides a technical note on how to generate {SHA} and {SSHA} password values.

How is password hashing done?

Hashing turns your password (or any other piece of data) into a short string of letters and/or numbers using an encryption algorithm. If a website is hacked, cyber criminals don't get access to your password. Instead, they just get access to the encrypted “hash” created by your password.

1 Answers

You can use 'password-hash ' to change the hashing algorithm, the default one is SSHA (not clear text).

Note that, slapd uses the above only if the password sent by clients are in plain text, if your client is sending a hashed password, it'll be stored as it is.

for eg: with pam_ldap, use pam_password exop (or clear)

how is password strength tests run at the server if the password is coming in hashed and I know that is a feature openLDAP touts?

If you sent hashed passwords, slapd cant perform strength tests, so the clients must sent passwords in clear text(ppolicy has option to accept/reject hashed password).


  1. make sure your clients use ssl/tls (so the passwds are not sent in clear text)
  2. userpassword attribute contains special characters ({}) so you have to do a base64 -d to identify the hashing algorithm used.

eg: normally the attributes are returned in the following format (:: indicate the result is base64 encoded)

userPassword:: e1NTSEF9QjU0VXNmQWhJN1dQZ3FvbDVSQ1l5RHUzTlVqa1luVVhYV2ljbmc9PQ=

$ echo e1NTSEF9QjU0VXNmQWhJN1dQZ3FvbDVSQ1l5RHUzTlVqa1luVVhYV2ljbmc9PQ==|openssl base64 -d
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Najmuddin Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11
