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How do you specify the requester's workerID in a mechanical turk HIT?

I want to create an mturk HIT that has a URL like so:
where worker_id is the worker's ID code. I'm initially going to create these from the mturk web UI, then once I get it working right, from PHP. But I can't figure out how to get at the worker's ID from the modified-HTML syntax of an mturk HIT.

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Dan Avatar asked May 26 '10 21:05


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Are MTurk worker IDs anonymous?

On Mechanical Turk, each worker is given a unique Worker ID. CloudResearch gives researchers the option to create an "anonymized" worker ID for each participant in their study. When you choose the Anonymize Worker IDs feature, all Worker IDs that appear in your study's downloadable . csv file will be encrypted.

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To Exclude workers who completed a previous study, simply select which study or studies you want to exclude while working through the study setup options. To manually exclude a list of workers, paste MTurk Worker ID's (or CloudResearch ID's) into the Exclude workers box in the study setup.

What is an MTurk ID?

All payment transactions are done using an assigned a 14- character alphanumeric code (i.e., MTurk Worker ID) that is unique to each Worker. This code is linked to the survey data to allow Requesters to review/approve work and to issue payment.

2 Answers

Mechanical Turk will call your website with a URL that looks like:


In your php page that is at that location you can access the workerId (as well as the other Ids) like so:

$hitId        = $_REQUEST["hitId"];
$assignmentId = $_REQUEST["assignmentId"];
$workerId     = $_REQUEST["workerId"];

echo "Hit ID: $hitId\n";
echo "Ass ID: $assignmentId\n";
echo "Worker ID: $workerId\n";
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Nate Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10


Note that the workerId is NOT sent during the preview, only after the HIT has been accepted. If you're using an External HIT, you can create a cookie to see if it's a worker who has accepted a previous hit, but of course that method is unreliable.

like image 42
Tac Tacelosky Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Tac Tacelosky