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AWS CodeBuild as non-root user

Is there a way to drop root user on AWS CodeBuild? We are building a Yocto project that fails on CodeBuild if we're root (Bitbake sanity check).

Our desperate approach doesn't work either:


    - chmod -R 777 $(pwd)/ && chown -R builder $(pwd)/ && su -c "$(pwd)/make.sh" -s /bin/bash builder

Fails with:

bash: /codebuild/output/src624711770/src/.../make.sh: Permission denied

Any idea how we could run this a non-root?

like image 567
Livioso Avatar asked Jul 16 '18 15:07


People also ask

What user does CodeBuild run as?

amazon web services - AWS CodeBuild as non-root user - Stack Overflow.

How do I assume AWS CodeBuild?

CodeBuild uses the CodeBuild service role as the default AWS credential in the build container and Docker runtime. Export the AssumeRole credentials as environment variables. Then, pass these variables into the Docker runtime by using the --build-arg parameter for docker build.

Is CodeBuild free service in AWS?

The AWS CodeBuild free tier includes 100 build minutes of build. general1. small per month. The CodeBuild free tier does not expire automatically at the end of your 12-month AWS Free Tier term.

What Shell does AWS CodeBuild use?

AWS CodeBuild now supports the bash and CMD shell environments for executing commands and scripts. The bash shell is available for machines hosting versions of Amazon Linux or Ubuntu, and the CMD shell is available on machines hosting versions of Microsoft Windows Server.

5 Answers

I am succeeded in using non-root user in AWS CodeBuild.
It takes much more than knowing some CodeBuild options to come up with a practical solution.

Everyone should spot run-as option quite easily.
The next question is "which user?"; you cannot just put any word as a username.

In order to find out which users are available, the next clue is at Docker images provided by CodeBuild section. There, you'll find a link to each image definition. For me, the link leads me to this page on GitHub
After inspecting the source code of Dockerfile, we'll know that there is a user called codebuild-user available. And we can use this codebuild-user for our run-as in the buildspec.

Then we'll face with a whole lot of other problems because the standard image only installs runtime of each language for root only. This is as far as generic explanations can go.

For me, I wanted to use the Ruby runtime, so my only concern is the Ruby runtime. If you use CodeBuild for something else, you are on your own now.

In order to utilize Ruby runtime as codebuild-user, we have to expose them from the root user. To do that, I change the required permissions and owner of .rbenv used by the CodeBuild image with the following command.

chmod +x ~
chown -R codebuild-user:codebuild-user ~/.rbenv

The bundler (Ruby's dependency management tool) still wants to access the home directory, which is not writable. We have to set up an environment variable to make it use other writable location as the home directory. The environment variable is BUNDLE_USER_HOME.

Put everything together; my buildspec looks like:

version: 0.2

    RAILS_ENV: test
    BUNDLE_USER_HOME: /tmp/bundle-user

run-as: codebuild-user

      ruby: 2.x
    run-as: root
      - chmod +x ~
      - chown -R codebuild-user:codebuild-user ~/.rbenv
      - bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'
      - bundle install
      - bundle exec rails spec

    - vendor/bundle/**/*

My points are:

  • It is, indeed, possible.
  • Show how I did it for my use case.
like image 146
Curious Sam Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10

Curious Sam

Thank you for this feature request. Currently you cannot run as a non-root user in CodeBuild, I have passed it to the team for further review. Your feedback is very much appreciated.

like image 42
Kaixiang-AWS Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10


To run CodeBuild as non root you need to specify a Linux username using the run-as tag in your buildspec.yaml as shown in the docs

version: 0.2

run-as: Linux-user-name

   key: "value"
   key: "value"
key: "value"
key: "value"

  run-as: Linux-user-name
    runtime: version
like image 35
Jimmy Fencer Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10

Jimmy Fencer

What we ended up doing was the following:

Create a Dockerfile which contains all the stuff to build a Yocto / Bitbake project in which we ADD the required sources and create an user builder which we use to build our project.

  FROM ubuntu:16.04

  RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade

  # Required Packages for the Host Development System
  RUN apt-get install -y gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
       build-essential chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \
       xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping vim

  # Additional host packages required by poky/scripts/wic
  RUN apt-get install -y curl dosfstools mtools parted syslinux tree

  # Create a non-root user that will perform the actual build
  RUN id builder 2>/dev/null || useradd --uid 30000 --create-home builder
  RUN apt-get install -y sudo
  RUN echo "builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | tee -a /etc/sudoers

  # Fix error "Please use a locale setting which supports utf-8."
  # See https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TipsAndTricks/ResolvingLocaleIssues
  RUN apt-get install -y locales
  RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && \
          echo 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"'>/etc/default/locale && \
          dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales && \
          update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8


  WORKDIR /home/builder/
  ADD ./ ./

  USER builder

  ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "-c", "./make.sh"]

We build this docker during the Codebuild pre_build step and run the actual build in the ENTRYPOINT (in make.sh) when we run the image. After the container has been excited, we copy the artifacts to the Codebuild host and put them on S3:

version: 0.2

      - mkdir ./images
      - docker build -t bob .
      - docker run bob:latest
      # copy the last excited container's images into host as build artifact
      - docker cp $(docker container ls -a | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'):/home/builder/yocto-env/build/tmp/deploy/images ./images
      - tar -cvzf artifacts.tar.gz ./images/*
    - artifacts.tar.gz

The only drawback this approach has, is the fact that we can't (easily) use Codebuild's caching functionality. But the build is sufficiently fast for us, since we do local builds during the day and basically one rebuild from scratch at night, which takes about 90 minutes (on the most powerful Codebuild instance).

like image 23
Livioso Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


Sigh, so I came across this question and I am disappointed that there is no good or simple answer to this problem. There are many, many processes that strongly discourage running as root like composer and others that will flat-out refuse like wp-cli. If you are using the Ubuntu "standard image" provided by AWS, then there appears to be an existing user in the /etc/passwd file, dockremap:x:1000:1000::/home/dockremap:/bin/sh. I think this user is for userns-remap in docker and I am not sure about it's availability. The other option that astonishingly hasn't been mentioned is running useradd -N -G users develop to create a new user in the container. It is far simpler than spinning up a custom container for something so trivial.

like image 36
Alex Barker Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Alex Barker