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Passing array query parameters with API Gateway to lambda

Can we create a Rest URL like below in API Gateway?

[GET] /employees?id=1&id=2&id=3&id=4

I do not find a way to send id array and get that array into a lambda (python) function

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mightymahesh Avatar asked Apr 13 '17 21:04


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2 Answers

AWS API events have a "multiValueQueryStringParameters" field which can be used instead of "queryStringParameters". It will contain value arrays for all parameters:

idArray = event["multiValueQueryStringParameters"]["id"]

like image 44
KenHuffman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09


this is very late but I had the same issue and found the problem:

From AWS API Gateway Reference:

When a query parameter is a list type, its value must be a string of comma-separated items. For example, GET /restapis/restapi_id/deployments/deployment_id?embed=apisummary,sdksummary.

Amazon API Gateway does not support nested query parameters of the form: GET /team?user[id]=usrid on a method request. You could work around this limitation by passing an encoded map as a single parameter and serializing it as part of a mapping template or in your back-end integration.

So a fix you could use is restructuring your request such that:

[GET] /employees?id=1,2,3,4

Hope this helps!

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Rob Boykin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Rob Boykin