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How do you show spinner if RxJava observable takes to long?

I feel like someone has to have tried this, but I can't figure out a nice way to do something if an observable takes to long.

This is the flow I want.

Start a search.
If the search takes longer than some time,
    show a spinner or show progress bar.
When finished do subscription action and hide spinner/progress bar.

The closest I can think of is like a Zip

       .zip(Observable.Timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
           // if the search is non null then we are good
           // if the long time is non 0 we need to show spinner

Is there something better to do? I have been trying all day with no success. In a perfect world I feel like I would want something like

       .timeout(i -> /* do timeout stuff */, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
       .subscribe(item -> /* do search result stuff */);
like image 313
David Stocking Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 04:12

David Stocking

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1 Answers

Today i found a bit odd but working solution. Idea is to use interval instead of timer.

    fun <T> base_delayed_progress_observable(source: Observable<T>): Observable<T>
        val timer = Observable.interval(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) //Creates observable that will emit Long++ each 100 miliseconds
                        if (it == 10L)//Here we check current timer value. For example here i check if it is 1 second gone (100 miliseconds * 10 = 1 second)
                            //here we put all we need to show progress/spinner an so on

        return Observable.zip(source, timer,
            BiFunction<T, Long, T> { t1, t2 ->
                //Here we return our original Obervable zipped with timer
                //Timer will be cancelled when our source Observable gets to OnComplete
                return@BiFunction t1
                //Here we can dismiss all progress dilogs/spinner
like image 112
Bios90 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
