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How do you run tests in parallel using robot framework? Issues with Parallel Library

The below is the code present in parallel_tests.txt

*** Settings ***
Library         Parallel  

*** Test Cases ***
    Run Parallel Tests  Hello   World

    [Tags]  parallel
    Log     Hello123 

    [Tags]  parallel
    Log     World123

I am trying to execute this test case file from terminal using jybot as below: jybot parallel_tests.txt;

I am getting the following error: No keyword with name 'Run Parallel Tests' found.

How to execute both test cases Hello and World ,in parallel in robot framework using parallel library.

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svs teja Avatar asked Sep 27 '22 23:09

svs teja

1 Answers

Slightly different use case but have you tried using pabot?

I haven't gone down the rabbit hole with this one so don't have an in-depth understanding but I do use it for cross-browser tests via sauceLabs. It will work differently from how you want in that it does parallel runs but by test suite rather than test case level. Perhaps this is configurable? Unfortunately as mentioned I just know enough to get it working for my needs and haven't done a deep dive.

Any questions let me know and I'll try to help.

Here's a quick example as requested, I've stripped lots of our stuff which is useless in your case but left some in so you can see how to build up. I changed the processes parameter from %processes% to 2, the end result is the same, in my case these values are coming from a teamcity build configuration:

pabot --processes 2 --variable environment:%environment% --name OS_X_10.9-Firefox --variable browser:%browser% --listener robot-tc-listener --include %includetags% --exclude %exclusiontags% --outputdir %PabotResults_DIR% --output output.xml --report report.html --log log.html tests
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shicky Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
