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How do you redirect to the calling page in ASP.NET MVC?

Let's say I have a controller action that deletes an item out of a user's shopping basket. This controller action is triggered by performing a POST to the url ~/delete/{id}. If I have several pages on my application that will post to this url, how do I construct the controller action to redirect back to the page that posted to it?

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Kevin Pang Avatar asked Jan 30 '09 10:01

Kevin Pang

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1 Answers

You should provide a RedirectToUrl parameter from the posting page.

Relying on referrer headers is not a good practice.

Instead, do something like this:

public ActionResult Delete(int id, string RedirectToUrl)
  // check if RedirectToUrl is null or empty and redirect accordingly

On the posting view or partial view you can provide the parameter in several ways:

<%= Html.Hidden("RedirecToUrl","/my/lovely/url") %>


<form action="/item/delete/22?RedirectToUrl=/my/lovely/url">

I'd prefer the first option.

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Christian Dalager Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Christian Dalager