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How do you pass multiple enum values in C#?




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Can enums have multiple values?

Learn to create Java enum where each enum constant may contain multiple values. We may use any of the values of the enum constant in our application code, and we should be able to get the enum constant from any of the values assigned to it.

Can a class have multiple enums?

java file may have only one public class. You can therefore declare only one public enum in a . java file. You may declare any number of package-private enums.

Can we assign value to enum in C?

An enum is considered an integer type. So you can assign an integer to a variable with an enum type.

When you define the enum, just attribute it with [Flags], set values to powers of two, and it will work this way.

Nothing else changes, other than passing multiple values into a function.

For example:

enum DaysOfWeek
   Sunday = 1,
   Monday = 2,
   Tuesday = 4,
   Wednesday = 8,
   Thursday = 16,
   Friday = 32,
   Saturday = 64

public void RunOnDays(DaysOfWeek days)
   bool isTuesdaySet = (days & DaysOfWeek.Tuesday) == DaysOfWeek.Tuesday;

   if (isTuesdaySet)
   // Do your work here..

public void CallMethodWithTuesdayAndThursday()
    this.RunOnDays(DaysOfWeek.Tuesday | DaysOfWeek.Thursday);

For more details, see MSDN's documentation on Enumeration Types.

Edit in response to additions to question.

You won't be able to use that enum as is, unless you wanted to do something like pass it as an array/collection/params array. That would let you pass multiple values. The flags syntax requires the Enum to be specified as flags (or to bastardize the language in a way that's its not designed).

I think the more elegant solution is to use HasFlag():

    public enum DaysOfWeek
        Sunday = 1,
        Monday = 2,
        Tuesday = 4,
        Wednesday = 8,
        Thursday = 16,
        Friday = 32,
        Saturday = 64

    public void RunOnDays(DaysOfWeek days)
        bool isTuesdaySet = days.HasFlag(DaysOfWeek.Tuesday);

        if (isTuesdaySet)

    public void CallMethodWithTuesdayAndThursday()
        RunOnDays(DaysOfWeek.Tuesday | DaysOfWeek.Thursday);

I second Reed's answer. However, when creating the enum, you must specify the values for each enum member so it makes a sort of bit field. For example:

public enum DaysOfWeek
    Sunday = 1,
    Monday = 2,
    Tuesday = 4,
    Wednesday = 8,
    Thursday = 16,
    Friday = 32,
    Saturday = 64,

    None = 0,
    All = Weekdays | Weekend,
    Weekdays = Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday,
    Weekend = Sunday | Saturday,
    // etc.

In my particular situation, I would like to use the System.DayOfWeek

You can not use the System.DayOfWeek as a [Flags] enumeration because you have no control over it. If you wish to have a method that accepts multiple DayOfWeek then you will have to use the params keyword

void SetDays(params DayOfWeek[] daysToSet)
    if (daysToSet == null || !daysToSet.Any())
        throw new ArgumentNullException("daysToSet");

    foreach (DayOfWeek day in daysToSet)
        // if( day == DayOfWeek.Monday ) etc ....

SetDays( DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Sunday );

Otherwise you can create your own [Flags] enumeration as outlined by numerous other responders and use bitwise comparisons.

public enum DaysOfWeek
  Mon = 1,
  Tue = 2,
  Wed = 4,
  Thur = 8,
  Fri = 16,
  Sat = 32,
  Sun = 64

You have to specify the numbers, and increment them like this because it is storing the values in a bitwise fashion.

Then just define your method to take this enum

public void DoSomething(DaysOfWeek day)

and to call it do something like

DoSomething(DaysOfWeek.Mon | DaysOfWeek.Tue) // Both Monday and Tuesday

To check if one of the enum values was included check them using bitwise operations like

public void DoSomething(DaysOfWeek day)
  if ((day & DaysOfWeek.Mon) == DaysOfWeek.Mon) // Does a bitwise and then compares it to Mondays enum value
    // Monday was passed in