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How do you modify "No Results Found" language in Select2 v4.0

I attempted to use the "language.noMatches" option when initiating Select2 and its throwing an undefined function? How do I go about modifying that bit of text? I would like to include a html button that would add the input from the user if it wasn't found. I tried doing this as a function as well as plain text. I also removed all html to see if that was doing it.

$('#search-select').select2({     ...     "language": {        "noMatches": function(){            return "No Results Found <a href='#' class='btn btn-danger'>Use it anyway</a>";        }    } }); 

This was previously "formatNoMatches" in Select2 v3.5

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Anthony Conklin Avatar asked Mar 27 '15 17:03

Anthony Conklin

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1 Answers

The option noMatches doesn't appear anywhere in the source code.

The actual option is named noResults. The working version of your example is:

$('#search-select').select2({       ...       "language": {         "noResults": function(){             return "No Results Found <a href='#' class='btn btn-danger'>Use it anyway</a>";         }     },      escapeMarkup: function (markup) {          return markup;      }  });

You also need to override escapeMarkup, so the button appears correctly, as per this issue.

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Mariano Dupont Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Mariano Dupont