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How do you mock a service in AngularJS when unit testing with jasmine?

Let's say I have a service shop that depends on two stateful services schedule and warehouse. How do I inject different versions of schedule and warehose into shop for unit testing?

Here's my service:

angular.module('myModule').service('shop', function(schedule, warehouse) {     return {         canSellSweets : function(numRequiredSweets){              return schedule.isShopOpen()                  && (warehouse.numAvailableSweets() > numRequiredSweets);         }     } }); 

Here are my mocks:

var mockSchedule = {     isShopOpen : function() {return true} } var mockWarehouse = {     numAvailableSweets: function(){return 10}; } 

Here are my tests:

expect(shop.canSellSweets(5)).toBe(true); expect(shop.canSellSweets(20)).toBe(false); 
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KevSheedy Avatar asked Oct 09 '13 14:10


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1 Answers

beforeEach(function () {   module(function ($provide) {     $provide.value('schedule', mockSchedule);   }); }); 

Module is a function provided by the angular-mocks module. If you pass in a string argument a module with the corresponding name is loaded and all providers, controllers, services, etc are available for the spec. Generally they are loaded using the inject function. If you pass in a callback function it will be invoked using Angular's $injector service. This service then looks at the arguments passed to the callback function and tries to infer what dependencies should be passed into the callback.

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Attila Miklosi Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Attila Miklosi