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How do you listen / detect changes to an input value - when the input value is changed via javascript?

I've got an input with google autoComplete connected.

When the user moves up and down through the seachResultsthe value of the input is changed dynamically via JavaScript.

I'd like to capture the value that is in the input at any given time.

I've tried onChange and onInput but since no event is getting fired, and the value of the DOM Node is not getting set - there are no updates.

How do you detect changes to the input that are dynamically updated via JavaScript?

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zero_cool Avatar asked Mar 06 '19 23:03


People also ask

What event can you listen to when the value is changed by Javascript?

The onchange event occurs when the value of an element has been changed. For radiobuttons and checkboxes, the onchange event occurs when the checked state has been changed. Tip: This event is similar to the oninput event.

Which event tells you when a user has changed the value of a text input?

The input event triggers every time after a value is modified by the user. Unlike keyboard events, it triggers on any value change, even those that does not involve keyboard actions: pasting with a mouse or using speech recognition to dictate the text.

How do I get the input value of an event listener?

How it works: First, select the <input> element with the id message and the <p> element with the id result . Then, attach an event handler to the input event of the <input> element. Inside the input event handler, update the textContent property of the <p> element.

2 Answers

The .value attribute will only change if the script-writer has called setAttribute('value' to set the new value, which is quite an odd thing to do. In almost all situations, I would expect the value to be set by assigning to the value property directly, eg:

input.value = 'foo';

Calling setAttribute will indeed show a change in the inspected DOM attribute, eg:

<input value="somevalue">

const input = document.querySelector('input');
input.setAttribute('value', 'foo');

But just assigning to the .value property of the element will not result in such a change:

const input = document.querySelector('input');
input.value = 'foo';

Assigning to the .value actually invokes a setter function on HTMLInputElement.prototype:


You can shadow this by putting a getter/setter for value directly on the element itself, with the setter invoking your own function, allowing you to listen for changes:

const { get, set } = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLInputElement.prototype, 'value');
const input = document.querySelector('input');
Object.defineProperty(input, 'value', {
  get() {
    return get.call(this);
  set(newVal) {
    console.log('New value assigned to input: ' + newVal);
    return set.call(this, newVal);

// example of autocomplete trying to change the input value:
input.value = 'foo';
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CertainPerformance Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10


Consider creating and triggering input events

var event = new Event('input', {
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,



more info

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Abu Alfadl Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10

Abu Alfadl