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How to define a global js function in Kotlin?

Every function and variable that I create in KotlinJs project gets into a module. But I need to define some functions in global scope.

I use p5js library (pure js). It allows user to define event handling functions in global scope. I'm trying to use KotlinJS in this project. But I don't know how to create global functions to handle p5js's events. All my Kotlin functions are inside of the module. And to call my Kotlin code I need to specif the full name mymodule.draw()

Currently I have to make an additional layer of pure JS code with global funcs that translate execution to kotlin functions which looks like this:

function setup() {

function draw() {

The problem with this approach is a lot of boilerplate and repetitive code.

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Sergey Belonozhko Avatar asked Feb 10 '19 02:02

Sergey Belonozhko

People also ask

How do you declare a global function in JavaScript?

This "window" object is accessible to all JavaScript code of a page, even if it's an external file. So, if the "window" object is global, then the functions it contain will also be global. So, if we add a new function to the "window" object, it will be a global function.

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Global variables can be accessed and modified from any function. In the above example, the variable userName becomes a global variable because it is declared outside of any function.

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Rather than directly generating JavaScript code from Kotlin source code, the Kotlin/JS IR compiler backend leverages a new approach. Kotlin source code is first transformed into a Kotlin intermediate representation (IR), which is subsequently compiled into JavaScript.

What is global in JS?

The global object in JavaScript is an always defined object that provides variables and functions, and is available anywhere. In a web browser, the global object is the window object, while it is named global in Node. js. The global object can be accessed using the this operator in the global scope.

2 Answers

In case this will be useful for somebody I will leave another workaround here:

import kotlin.browser.window

fun main() {
    window.asDynamic()["setup"] = ::setup
    window.asDynamic()["draw"] = ::draw

fun setup() {}
fun draw() {}

What it actually does, it creates functions in kotlin module as usual and then assigns them to window object, which makes it global.

This solution is still not ideal, cause it needs a manual assignment for every function. At least it does it right in Kotlin project, no need to maintain a separate pure js file. Maybe it is possible to create an annotation and leverage kotlin reflection(no idea how it's supported in KotlinJS).

Although this solution works for me, I would like to have some out of the box solution like they do for @JsNonModule external functions.

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Sergey Belonozhko Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Sergey Belonozhko

Unfortunately there is no way to define global function in Kotlin/JS. It is possible to use Plain module type where you have global symbols in module object which is defined in global scope.

// module M
fun foo() {}

which is accessible via M.foo

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Roman Art Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09

Roman Art