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How do you like your primary keys? [closed]

People also ask

How do I turn off my primary key?

You can disable a primary key using the ALTER TABLE statement in SQL Server (Transact-SQL).

What makes a good primary key?

The primary key should consist of one column whenever possible. The name should mean the same 5 years from now as it does today. The data value should be non-null and remain constant over time. The data type should be either an integer or a short, fixed-width character.

How do you define a primary key?

A primary key is the column or columns that contain values that uniquely identify each row in a table. A database table must have a primary key for Optim to insert, update, restore, or delete data from a database table.

If you're going to be doing any syncing between databases with occasionally connected apps, then you should be using GUIDs for your primary keys. It is kind of a pain for debugging, so apart from that case I tend to stick to ints that autoincrement.

Autoincrement ints should be your default, and not using them should be justified.

I don't see an answer which points out (what I regard as) the really fundamental point - namely, that a primary key is what guarantees that you won't get two entries in the table for the same real-world entity (as modelled in the database). This observation helps establish what are good and what are bad choices for primary key.

For example, in a table of (US) state names and codes, either the name or the code could be the primary key - they constitute two different candidate keys, and one of them (normally the shorter - the code) is chosen as the primary key. In the theory of functional dependencies (and join dependencies - 1NF through 5NF - it is the candidate keys that are crucial rather than a primary key.

For a counter-example, human names generally make a bad choice for primary key. There are many people who go by the name "John Smith" or some other similar names; even taking middle names into account (remember: not everyone has one - for example, I don't), there is plenty of scope for duplication. Consequently, people do not use names as primary keys. They invent artificial keys such as the Social Security Number (SSN) or Employee Number and use them to designate the individual.

An ideal primary key is short, unique, memorable, and natural. Of these characteristics, uniqueness is mandatory; the rest have to flex given the constraints of real world data.

When it comes to determining the primary key of a given table, therefore, you have to look at what that table represents. What set or sets of column values in the table uniquely identifies each row in the table? Those are the candidate keys. Now, if each candidate key consists of 4 or 5 columns, then you might decide that those are too clumsy to make a good primary key (primarily on grounds of shortness). In those circumstances, you might introduce a surrogate key - an artificially generated number. Very often (but not always) a simple 32-bit integer is sufficient for the surrogate key. You then designate this surrogate key as the primary key.

However, you must still ensure that the other candidate keys (for the surrogate key is a candidate key too, as well as the chosen primary key) are all maintained as unique identifier - normally by placing a unique constraint on those sets of columns.

Sometimes, people find it difficult to identify what makes a row unique, but there should be something to do that, because simply repeating a piece of information doesn't make it any more true. And if you're not careful and do get two (or more) rows purporting to store the same information, and you then need to update the information, there is a danger (especially if you use cursors) that you will update just one row rather than every row, so the rows are out of synchrony and no-one knows which row contains the correct information.

This is a pretty hard-line view, in some respects.

I've no particular problem with using a GUID when they are needed, but they tend to be big (as in 16-64 bytes), and they are used too often. Very often a perfectly good 4-byte value would suffice. Using a GUID where a 4-byte value would suffice wastes disk space, and slows up even indexed access to the data since there are fewer values per index page, so the index will be deeper and more pages have to be read to get to the information.

This is only a religious issue because people seek a universal right answer. The fact that both your team and this SO thread shows so much disagreement should be a clue that there are good reasons to use all the solutions you describe, in different circumstances.

  • Surrogate keys are useful when no other attribute or set of attributes in the table is suitable to identify rows uniquely.
  • Natural keys are preferred, when possible, to make the table more human-readable. Natural keys also allow the foreign key in a dependent table to contain a real value instead of a surrogate id. E.g. when you need to store state (CA, TX, NY) you might as well use a char(2) natural key instead of an int.
  • Use compound primary keys where appropriate. Do not add an "id" surrogate key unnecessarily when a perfectly good compound key exists (this is especially true in many-to-many tables). A mandate for a three-column key in every table is absolute nonsense.
  • GUIDs are a solution when you need to preserve uniqueness over multiple sites. They are also handy if you need values in the primary key to be unique, but not ordered or consecutive.
  • INT vs. BIGINT: it's not common that a table requires a 64-bit range for primary keys, but with the increasing availability of 64-bit hardware it shouldn't be a burden, and gives more assurance that you won't overflow. INT is of course smaller, so if space is at a premium it can give a slight advantage.

I like The Database Programmer blog as a source for this kind of info.

3 columns for a primary key? I would say that columns should have appropriate unique constraints as the business rules demand, but I'd still have a separate surrogate key. Compound keys mean business logic enters into the key. If the logic changes, your whole schema is screwed.