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Sorting in Computer Science vs. sorting in the 'real' world

I was thinking about sorting algorithms in software, and possible ways one could surmount the O(nlogn) roadblock. I don't think it IS possible to sort faster in a practical sense, so please don't think that I do.

With that said, it seems with almost all sorting algorithms, the software must know the position of each element. Which makes sense, otherwise, how would it know where to place each element according to some sorting criteria?

But when I crossed this thinking with the real world, a centrifuge has no idea what position each molecule is in when it 'sorts' the molecules by density. In fact, it doesn't care about the position of each molecule. However it can sort trillions upon trillions of items in a relatively short period of time, due to the fact that each molecule follows density and gravitational laws - which got me thinking.

Would it be possible with some overhead on each node (some value or method tacked on to each of the nodes) to 'force' the order of the list? Something like a centrifuge, where only each element cares about its relative position in space (in relation to other nodes). Or, does this violate some rule in computation?

I think one of the big points brought up here is the quantum mechanical effects of nature and how they apply in parallel to all particles simultaneously.

Perhaps classical computers inherently restrict sorting to the domain of O(nlogn), where as quantum computers may be able to cross that threshold into O(logn) algorithms that act in parallel.

The point that a centrifuge being basically a parallel bubble sort seems to be correct, which has a time complexity of O(n).

I guess the next thought is that if nature can sort in O(n), why can't computers?

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Kris Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 06:01


People also ask

Where sorting is used in real life?

The contact list in your phone is sorted, which means you can easily access your desired contact from your phone since the data is arranged in that manner for you. In other words, “it is sorted”. While shopping on flip kart or amazon, you sort items based on your choice, that is, price low to high or high to low.

Are sorting algorithms used in real life?

Well, you will be flabbergasted when you realize just how useful sorting algorithms are in real life. Some of the best examples of real-world implementation of the same are: Bubble sorting is used in programming TV to sort channels based on audience viewing time!

Why is sorting so important in computer science?

Why Sorting Algorithms are Important. Since sorting can often reduce the complexity of a problem, it is an important algorithm in Computer Science. These algorithms have direct applications in searching algorithms, database algorithms, divide and conquer methods, data structure algorithms, and many more.

What is sorting how is it useful for us?

Answer: Sorting is important in programming for the same reason it is important in everyday life. It is easier and faster to locate items in a sorted list than unsorted. Sorting algorithms can be used in a program to sort an array for later searching or writing out to an ordered file or report.

2 Answers

EDIT: I had misunderstood the mechanism of a centrifuge and it appears that it does a comparison, a massively-parallel one at that. However there are physical processes that operate on a property of the entity being sorted rather than comparing two properties. This answer covers algorithms that are of that nature.

A centrifuge applies a sorting mechanism that doesn't really work by means of comparisons between elements, but actually by a property ('centrifugal force') on each individual element in isolation.Some sorting algorithms fall into this theme, especially Radix Sort. When this sorting algorithm is parallelized it should approach the example of a centrifuge.

Some other non-comparative sorting algorithms are Bucket sort and Counting Sort. You may find that Bucket sort also fits into the general idea of a centrifuge (the radius could correspond to a bin).

Another so-called 'sorting algorithm' where each element is considered in isolation is the Sleep Sort. Here time rather than the centrifugal force acts as the magnitude used for sorting.

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user1952500 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


Computational complexity is always defined with respect to some computational model. For example, an algorithm that's O(n) on a typical computer might be O(2n) if implemented in Brainfuck.

The centrifuge computational model has some interesting properties; for example:

  • it supports arbitrary parallelism; no matter how many particles are in the solution, they can all be sorted simultaneously.
  • it doesn't give a strict linear sort of particles by mass, but rather a very close (low-energy) approximation.
  • it's not feasible to examine the individual particles in the result.
  • it's not possible to sort particles by different properties; only mass is supported.

Given that we don't have the ability to implement something like this in general-purpose computing hardware, the model may not have practical relevance; but it can still be worth examining, to see if there's anything to be learned from it. Nondeterministic algorithms and quantum algorithms have both been active areas of research, for example, even though neither is actually implementable today.

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ruakh Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
