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How do you increase badge size/font size in bootstrap 4?



How do you increase a badge size in bootstrap 4?

I have tried to put in in heading (<h3></h3>) blocks, but that changes the display to block, which is not what I need (and I guess heading should be reserved to... headings).

like image 693
Vincent J Avatar asked Jan 13 '20 22:01

Vincent J

People also ask

What is the font-size of h3 in bootstrap 4 by default?

Bootstrap 4 Default Settings Bootstrap 4 uses a default font-size of 16px, and its line-height is 1.5. The default font-family is "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif. In addition, all <p> elements have margin-top: 0 and margin-bottom: 1rem (16px by default).

How do you indicate a badge in bootstrap?

To use badges just add <span class = "badge"> to links, Bootstrap navs, and more. When there are no new or unread items, badges will simply collapse via CSS's :empty selector, provided no content exists within.

How do I change font-size in bootstrap table?

Simply add a font-size: 8px; to your CSS selector. Replace 8 by any number you wish to change your font-size to. Save this answer.

1 Answers

Place the badge inside a heading element, inside an element with class lead, or make your own sizing class in a custom stylesheet or embedded style element:

body {
  padding: 20px;

.badge.even-larger-badge {
  font-size: 1.1em;
<link rel="stylesheet"
 href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" />

<h2><span class="badge badge-primary">Heading 2</span></h2>
<h3><span class="badge badge-primary">Heading 3</span></h3>

  <span class="badge badge-primary">Regular</span>
  <span class="lead"><span class="badge badge-secondary">Lead</span></span>
  <span class="badge badge-primary even-larger-badge">Custom</span>
like image 142
isherwood Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
