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How do you include another js file in Google's v8?




How do you include another script file inside a .js script file in v8?
There's the <script> tag in HTML but how can it be done inside a v8 embedded program?

like image 883
the_drow Avatar asked Jul 19 '09 06:07


1 Answers

You have to add this functionality manually, here is how I did it:

Handle<Value> Include(const Arguments& args) {
    for (int i = 0; i < args.Length(); i++) {
        String::Utf8Value str(args[i]);

        // load_file loads the file with this name into a string,
        // I imagine you can write a function to do this :)
        std::string js_file = load_file(*str);

        if(js_file.length() > 0) {
            Handle<String> source = String::New(js_file.c_str());
            Handle<Script> script = Script::Compile(source);
            return script->Run();
    return Undefined();

Handle<ObjectTemplate> global = ObjectTemplate::New();

global->Set(String::New("include"), FunctionTemplate::New(Include));

It basically adds a globally accessible function that can load and run a javascript file within the current context. I use it with my project, works like a dream.

// beginning of main javascript file
like image 112
postfuturist Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09
