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With knexjs, how do I compare two columns in the .where() function?

Using knexjs only (no bookshelf) I would like to do something like the following query:

select * from table1 where column1 < column2

However, when I do this:

.table("table1").select().where("column1", "<", "column2")

The SQL that knexjs generates is:

select * from table1 where column1 < 'column2'

Which doesn't give the desired result b/c it's not comparing the value from the column, it's comparing the value of the string, 'column2'.

Anyone know how to do what I'm wanting? Thanks!

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daveashworth Avatar asked May 25 '16 20:05


2 Answers

Ok, so after some digging, it looks like it can be done this way. Not sure if this is best practice, but at the moment, it works so until I hear otherwise...

.table("table1").select().where("column1", "<", knex.raw("table1.column2"))

Again, not ideal, but it gets the job done. Just be sure to

import knex from "knex";

at the top of whatever file you're using this in.

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daveashworth Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10


As of knex 0.15.0 (July 2018), we now have:

table("table1").select().where("column1", "<", knex.ref("column2"))

See https://knexjs.org/#Ref

As Greg Hornby mentions in the comment to the other answer, you can also use ?? in a raw query to bind to a column or table name.

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fuzzyTew Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10
