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How do you impose scala code coverage specifically for integration tests?

Am running the integration test using following sbt command

sbt clean coverage it:test coverageReport

This command runs integration tests, instruments it and generates report as well.

Build.sbt has following:

coverageMinimum in IntegrationTest := 21.0
coverageFailOnMinimum in IntegrationTest := true

Output looks like:

[info] Statement coverage.: 20.16%
[info] Branch coverage....: 12.00%
[info] Coverage reports completed
[info] All done. Coverage was [20.16%]

Output result has 20.16% code coverage but the limits in build.sbt are not enforcing the limit.

If I change build.sbt to following it works:

coverageMinimum := 21.0
coverageFailOnMinimum := true

Wanted to know what am I missing for specifying limits specifically for Integration tests

Version Information:

sbt : 0.13.17

sbt-scoverage : 1.5.1

like image 693
aditya parikh Avatar asked Sep 10 '18 23:09

aditya parikh

People also ask

Does code coverage include integration tests?

As a Developer or Tester, you can absolutely include Integration Testing in Code Coverage, if you have integrated code scripts.

What is code coverage in Scala?

Code Coverage is a metric that measures what percentage of your code has been executed during unit and integration tests. JaCoCo is a great open-source toolkit for code coverage measurements. JaCoCo was originally written for Java and runs on the JVM, but because it's bytecode-based it works for Scala too.

What is SBT Scoverage?

sbt-scoverage is an sbt plugin that offers support for Scala code coverage using scoverage. This plugin supports Scala 2.12, 2.13, and 3. NOTE: that ScalaJS and Scala Native support is limited to Scala 2.

1 Answers

The following two workarounds seem to work on my machine (sbt-scoverage 1.5.1, sbt 1.1.1, scala 2.12.5)

Workaround 1 - Use inConfig to scope to a configuration:

inConfig(IntegrationTest)(Seq(coverageMinimum := 21, coverageFailOnMinimum := true))

Now executing sbt clean coverage it:test it:coverageReport throws Coverage minimum was not reached.

Workaround 2 - Modify coverageMinimum setting within a custom command:

def itTestWithMinCoverage = Command.command("itTestWithMinCoverage") { state =>
  val extracted = Project extract state
  val stateWithCoverage = extracted.append(Seq(coverageEnabled := true, coverageMinimum := 21.0, coverageFailOnMinimum := true), state)
  val (s1, _) = Project.extract(stateWithCoverage).runTask(test in IntegrationTest, stateWithCoverage)
  val (s2, _) = Project.extract(s1).runTask(coverageReport in IntegrationTest, s1)

commands ++= Seq(itTestWithMinCoverage)

Now executing sbt itTestWithMinCoverage throws Coverage minimum was not reached. Note after executing itTestWithMinCoverage the state is discarded so coverageMinimum should be back to default value, and thus not affect unit tests.

It seems the issue is (besides my lack of understanding how scopes exactly work) checkCoverage picks up default value of coverageMinimum even after setting coverageMinimum in IntegrationTest.

like image 116
Mario Galic Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Mario Galic